Example sentences of "you were having [art] " in BNC.

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1 You were having a nightmare , chick , ’ he said and his face looked gaunt and anguished in the spill from the street-lamp as he rearranged the bedclothes , making a ‘ little nest ’ for me before he left the room , pulling his nightshirt round him .
2 ‘ You did n't know that while you were having a good Christmas , Hester was making arrangements to send him away ? ’
3 Your birthday tea ready but you were having a better time somewhere else !
4 What it is le let's just sort of get things , as I say in a new build situation if you were having a new house built
5 You can say you were having a word with me .
6 That is left for members of the host community to do , as it busies itself ghettoizing the minority ; and as it ghettoizes it mumbles , and if you listen carefully you can just discern beneath the self-righteousness , the self-congratulation , the following : ‘ Okay , okay , so you were having a hard time in your own country .
7 You were having a bad dream .
8 Harvey said , ‘ You were having a nice chat about Turgenev .
9 You know , especially when perhaps you were having a mixed sort of meeting
10 and if you were having a boy they used to say you would carry the baby all round sort of thing
11 if you were having a girl it was mostly in the front , but er that was n't true really
12 Well we thought you were having a Concorde you see
13 ‘ That you were having an affair — had been for some time . ’
14 ‘ If — if you were having an affair — you would surely have realised — she would have said something . ’
15 So if you were , if you were having an analysis shall we say Theresa , you reported your dream to the analyst .
16 gesture in front of a group exactly as if you were having an animated conversation with a friend nothing more , nothing less .
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