Example sentences of "you [am/are] not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But no matter , for you are n't to be beaten . ’
2 ‘ If you are n't on wheels you must be on the skids .
3 ‘ I 've already phoned to warn them that you are n't at home .
4 ‘ A pretty big thing , ’ he says , ‘ among so many militants and Trotskyists to whom you 're a Nazi if you are n't into revolution tomorrow . ’
5 I promise you , the village wo n't think you 're one of them because you are n't in the proper rectory .
6 " But you are n't in love with me . "
7 She followed the slow gyration of one very large , cream-coloured fish and said , ‘ But you are n't in love with me , which would make it , I 'm afraid , an awkward friendship .
8 ‘ And that you are n't in the middle of watching your favourite television programme , ’ said Mark conscientiously , for his parochial visiting now made this question automatic .
9 If you are n't in love ? ’
10 I take it you are n't in favour of the idea ? ’
11 Could that be an indication that you are n't in fact giving the public what they want ?
12 You are n't like her in any other conspicuous way .
13 ‘ Er , boss , you are n't by any chance pro-pro-proposing warp-walking ? ’
14 To make sure you are not over the line at the start , try and get an accurate transit — do not use a moving ship on the horizon !
15 While you can only rely on issues raised in the statements that you exchange , and you must not mislead the court or the other side , you are not under an obligation to give your opponent notice of any weak points in your case .
16 And although close partnerships may suffer from a surfeit of external problems and internal dilemmas , you are not without love in your life during 1993 .
17 You are not worth it .
18 If you stall accidentally it is almost always because you are not aware of the low speed , etc. and therefore all the training in the world will not prevent you from responding instinctively because you are not at that moment aware that you are stalled .
19 You are not at all satisfied , ’ Susan said softly into the President 's ear .
20 Could you tell us why you are not at work ? ’
21 You are not at fault .
22 In fact , it is better for both of you if the patient is looked after by several people rather than yourself alone , even if you are not at work and could be with him all day every day .
23 If you are not at a school or college , write after 1 June in the year preceding entry to PO Box 67 , Cheltenham , Glos .
24 You are not at your home , you have not crossed a bridge in Berlin … you are in Mordovia , in a Strict Regime camp .
25 Even if you are not at all ‘ creative ’ , it is worth applying the test .
26 You are not at the station now . ’
27 You are not at a loss and can choose , from the textbooks to hand , the derivation that looks best , or that is closest to that of the lecturer .
28 Even if you are not at present a tenant of public landlord but you have a pressing need to move , your local authority might be prepared to nominate you .
29 What you are not at liberty to do and what you will not do is storm around , losing your temper in my home .
30 If you are not at school or college , write after 1 June in the year preceding university entry to UCAS , PO Box 67 , Cheltenham , Glos GLSO 3SF , for a handbook and application form using the tear-off sheet at the end of this prospectus .
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