Example sentences of "you [vb base] with the " in BNC.

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1 Just about every retail purchase you make with the Card is immediately covered by Purchase Protection against accidental damage , loss or theft for up to 90 days and begins where any existing cover you may already have leaves off , up to £20,000 per Cardmember .
2 Because , in fact , you ca n't put that compost on the , or that muck on the , when you say muck , do you mean the compost that you make with the vegetables ?
3 You mean with the dog being loose
4 This breaking-down of the time barrier could be extremely exciting ; at the same time , the very idea introduces so many paradoxes ( if you communicate with the past you change it ; you therefore change the present ; therefore , in this new present , you never communicated with the past ) that we must think it unlikely that people will ever be able to use tachyons in this way … unless communications were flitting between alternate universes , the existence of which would imply the simultaneous reality of all possibilities .
5 When you cook with the Debut you will realise that such benefits will give you better cooking , an easier time in the kitchen and more time to indulge in the things you enjoy in life .
6 If you skate with the same passion as you preach I dare say you will have the whole parish at your feet . ’
7 Generation One you burn at the stake ; Generation Two you decorate with the CBE .
8 You interact with the shell and the shell interacts with the computer .
9 If you disagree with the contents of the report or consider it misleading you may ask the doctor to amend it ; if he disagrees , you may add your own written comments .
10 If you disagree with the contents of the report or consider it misleading you may ask the doctor to amend it ; if he disagrees you may add your own written comments .
11 You will also be told what to do if you disagree with the decision .
12 If you consider that your name should not appear on the Register , or if you disagree with the details shown in your entry then you have the right to appeal .
13 If you disagree with the new valuation you will be able to appeal by proposing a change to the valuation officer between 1st April and 1st October 1990 .
14 Of course , our quiz is intended to be light-hearted , so if you disagree with the conclusions , feel free to take them with a pinch of salt .
15 ‘ Anyway , should you move out of your country because you disagree with the politics of the government ?
16 Have you long with the disk ?
17 The staying power having endurance again you say with the feeling of the mind as well as the , the body .
18 You battle with the Treasury in public spending negotiations and you battle with the health service to make best use of the resources that are available .
19 You battle with the Treasury in public spending negotiations and you battle with the health service to make best use of the resources that are available .
20 ‘ Oh , Charity , your whole problem is that you 're accustomed to people bowing down before you because you 're a doctor and they assume you walk with the gods .
21 Not to worry ; the welcome and conversation soon takes over as you mix with the whole village : small kids , their little old grannies , Lappish reindeer herdsmen and the odd Swedish blonde .
22 Enquire about your income tax position , as this will be influenced by what you earn with the agency plus any other part-time or freelance work .
23 Something which appeals to me a lot is its ability to sound either blatantly digital ( with a sharp , bright quality to the effects ) , or ( if you dispense with the EQ or treat it with care ) to simulate analogue effects .
24 You dispense with the trivialities .
25 ( Note that unless you run with the BYPASS privilege , you will probably have to SET PROT=S:RWED on the directory file before you can delete it ) .
26 It 's almost mesmeric as well is n't it , this repetition of now , now , now between between the but as as you were saying , it 's sketching all the details in so you , if you were sketching a fox , you know you begin somewhere and say you begin with the nose you 've just got a little detail the nose and the eyes but eventually you 've got to put the whole sketch in .
27 So I just want a plain box and a plain stone , and a plain speech from the priest , and you can do what you like with the business .
28 ‘ You can sign whatever papers you like with the agency .
29 It 's , I , I mean these , these , the work with , with the original action network seems to , seems to come and go , you 've got a very large amount at one point and then nothing for sometime , it just depends er , I think which country they 're targeting and how much there is , because we had quite a lot on Malawi did n't we during the early part on last year not much on South Africa recently , as if they do n't quite know what to do , you know with the situation there it 's not quite er clarified .
30 See at I can just let her go and play out on the park , or at anything , you know with the other kids , but round here you ca n't .
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