Example sentences of "you [vb base] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You can get somebody with an average amount of ability , you pick and choose the right Board , and you can get them through ‘ O ’ level without any trouble at all .
2 ‘ I guess you pick and choose .
3 POSITION TWO : From the squat , push your right heel into the ground and squeeze your left buttock as you push and lift your left leg behind you .
4 IF you book and pay for two Iberia ( 01-437 5622 ) ‘ Moneysaver ’ tickets to Spain before 27 October , you will get a £25 discount on the second ticket .
5 If you book and pay for your car hire before you depart , Sovereign can offer you excellent savings on local resort prices .
6 If you book and pay for your car hire before you depart , Sovereign can offer you excellent savings on local resort prices .
7 If you qualify and wish to apply for a divorce : send for an application form using the tear-off part of this leaflet , but keep the remainder of the leaflet : it may be of help to you later
8 Explain clearly how you reach your cost figure ; in particular , state any assumptions that you make and explain why any figures have been included or excluded .
9 Deny or threaten it , and you deny and threaten someone 's existence .
10 That you like to imagine you are better than those you judge and condemn ?
11 An essay tests your ability to analyse a given question , to develop a line of argument , to explain clearly what you mean and to express a point of view so as to persuade — if not always to convince — the reader of the strength of your case .
12 You should also have noticed that when you solved equations : To remove a plus number you subtract and to remove a minus number you add .
13 You can enjoy what you eat and protect yourself form illness at the same time .
14 For example , if you play sport regularly — say , on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons — it 's important that you eat and rest sensibly before your game , in order to be in top form and play your best .
15 But if you prevaricate and say , ‘ I ca n't comment on this because I 'm an officer of the Council , ’ then they think , ‘ Oh , God , you know , what sort of person am I talking to ? ’ and you lose all your empathy and all the sympathy of the listeners , which is what you 're after .
16 So Dave said well let's , you know , you sit and eat , and eat , he said let's get up Christmas present , have a couple of Christmas presents , going swimming ten till twelve , perhaps go for a walk over the common or something ,
17 At times it comes home to you and you sit and have a weep .
18 And then in , in the front you can go and sit there before you sit and have a
19 Shit , look Joe , you speak to her , you sit and talking across her , , she 's talking to Sharon , you know that , that 's all the way through it
20 He described being n charge of the grass courts at Wimbledon as ‘ the easiest job in the world , ’ adding , ‘ You sit and watch the grass grow , tell other people when to cut it and then watch it grow again . ’
21 If you want to watch Play Bus you sit and watch it .
22 but um I 'm a great believer that it 's rather nice to have that going on while the event is going on you know you sit and munch a corned beef butty as you dribble your coffee down the front of your shirt
23 do you see what I mean , right , sit and re-question close , right you can close them on ee do you want to include the extra window for two hundred pound , you follow me you 've hit them with a price you want to close them , right and you sit and do the paperwork and you just say to them do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds because you 've already said to them you , you give an extra , do you follow me ?
24 Body language — the way you sit and stand , your gestures and facial expressions — tells people what you really mean .
25 It 's awful you sit and think about it .
26 It 's a Dales Explorer , go as you please and get on and off when you want any day you like , ’ he assured her .
27 Ensure that you review and revise your notes periodically in the light of new knowledge and increased understanding .
28 Companies of this type are , in my opinion , real bureau in that they simply process the material you supply and do n't seek to interfere with the design .
29 Different types of glider behave slightly differently , so explore all the gliders you fly and adapt your flying accordingly .
30 Arriving around 3.00pm you disembark and check into the luxurious Basle Hilton Hotel for overnight stay .
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