Example sentences of "you [vb base] i the " in BNC.

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1 You bring me the four hundred and you 'll get what I found .
2 If you send me the money , I think we could get her for $1,000 .
3 Okay , you 're twenty pounds over , you owe them , you owe me the building society , twenty pounds .
4 ‘ I 'm well aware that my silence over Thomas now means you consider me the pits , but it does n't necessarily mean that you no longer — ’
5 If you give me the necessary details , I 'll fill in the order-form . ’
6 You give me the keys and I drive
7 Yeah erm you give you give you give me the money now and I 'll give you the elephant later it 's just round the corner .
8 And your function is designed as , when I give you a number , you give me the nearest integer , which is just above it .
9 If you give me the number . "
10 " Strictly speaking , you 're going to be dead very soon unless you give me the right instructions . "
11 You give me the gripes , ’ he said dispassionately .
12 ‘ Well , if you give me the keys to the jeep , I 'll go and take a look at it for you — get anything you might need . ’
13 If you give me the buggy , I 'll be fine . ’
14 If you give me the key please .
15 Oh shut up woman , shut up , you give me the bloody screaming abdabs , it 's my money I threw away .
16 If you give me the details of the sports orders Adrian I 'll
17 S three , probably if you give me the class first it 's probably easier Pete , Peter
18 You give me the money for it ?
19 You give me the money for it ?
20 You know I the splitting of income
21 I think that 's true what Yona says you know it it is Cos you know I the sort of the political people of the town tend to be councillors who are er men mainly and set in their ways and think that because they 've got the label councillor behind you know b front of their name that they 're they are for life you know it 's And they 're sort of respectable inverted commas members of the community and you know and I mean I hope that out of out of all this I mean it 's it 's a shame it has to happen in such a desperate situation you know because I mean none of us can really feel glad that Because to be on strike is I mean each day is is hard I 'm sure for well I mean I can only say because to be close to people on strike it 's quite a unique thing really for me and i you become so involved and close to people and you realize how hard it is for them .
22 I give you the input and you tell me the answer .
23 ‘ Not until you tell me the truth . ’
24 And then he looks at the priest , and adds , ‘ Now you tell me the truth …
25 you tell me the colours
26 Do n't kn tell me the er if you tell me the
27 So I said well you tell me the number .
28 I have n't see you for almost a year , Victor , and you recognise me the instant I step through the door . ’
29 Even if you think me the most immoral bastard ever to walk the face of the earth , why would you react so personally ?
30 You think the things that are important to you annoy me the way the things that matter to me annoy you .
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