Example sentences of "you something [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But can I tell you something off the record ? ’
2 I 've told you something of the plan — ‘
3 We should be able to tell you something of the nature of the fastenings used but I doubt if we can say whether a body was involved .
4 In order to supply a comprehensive background to our experience with a Computerised Personnel Information System ( CPIS ) it is important to tell you something of the Personnel and Data Processing functions at Parker .
5 Then , with a smile that set all the butterflies off again , ‘ It 's my intention to take you to where the food is really good , and also show you something of the city by night . ’
6 It does n't much matter what you wear during the day , but we 'll find you something for the evenings . ’
7 If you ca n't , but would n't mind keeping the draft till you 're in Prague ( it 's good for six months ) , it may be less of a hassle cashing it there , especially as the bank in Brno may charge you something for the transaction .
8 Lie back , and I 'll give you something for the pain .
9 And if a company has n't filed accounts at all when it 's supposed to have done , that should tell you something about the organization of the company .
10 I could tell you something about the , if you 've got the
11 Finally , there are simple conventions that need explaining : not all pupils will know that the two words printed at the head of a page tell you something about the alphabetic range of the words on that page .
12 To tell you something about the work of other college staff .
13 It told you something about the standard of the England game when coverage of the Wales game continued until the end , even though we scored 3 more in that time .
14 Keeping your eye on court lists can also tell you something about the firms appearing and if a firm consistently acts for the plaintiff against health authorities you can be fairly sure that their specialism lies in medical negligence .
15 There 's one other factor , at the bottom of that , er page , will tell you something about the allocation to units .
16 So I I hope I 've told you something about the history of the house .
17 Before looking at some of the erm details of those practical programmes I would like to tell you something about the principles upon which his mind worked in approaching practical affairs .
18 That will cost you something in the region of fifty pounds a week . ’
19 The US Government is reliably said to have invested large sums from its military budget on research in which impulses from computers ( which might give you something like the binary number level of the program ) were detected at a distance and the task was to see whether the highest level of program ( expressing what the real purpose of the program was ) could be reliably inferred .
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