Example sentences of "you go [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You goin' back to the digs , Noreen ? ’
2 He wants you to go up to the villa . ’
3 Team 1 is concentrating on the basement and ground floor , so I want you to go up to the 4th level as team 2 will be putting out the flames on floors 2 + 3 .
4 I was , I was n't meaning you to go up in single numbers I was meaning , go up in hundreds .
5 They tell you to go on with artificial respiration for ever , for long after you 've given up hope .
6 It would be a waste of time for both of you to go on to an interview .
7 I 'd like you to go on to a university and do music , but I think you 'll do that anyway , and I 'd like you to stop playing other instruments .
8 And it has to be perfect before I shall allow you to go on to petit point . ’
9 So you need a rich peasant economy to finance industrialization to provide the mechanization to enable you to go on to collectivization .
10 If only your parents 'd had the sense to let you to go in for it . ’
11 They get you to go in for something and then it costs you money .
12 There 's the three of you to go in before meself .
13 So Madam I 'd ask you to go along with what I 'm suggesting , that 's an absolute discharge and er
14 I said if you had n't I 'd get you to go back for a chat with him . ’
15 Nevertheless you also feel pressure on you to go back to the old ways .
16 I need you to go back to that two-dimensional universe again .
17 Finally , there 's an option to create a ‘ rescue ’ disk ; a bootable floppy containing vital hard disk info , enabling you to go back to square one if the worst comes to the worst .
18 ‘ I want you to go back to the house and telephone the Incident Room .
19 ‘ I do n't want you to go back to that flat for any reason at all , ’ Julius instructed her in clipped tones .
20 and yet at the beginning he said the king said we do n't want you to go back to school , it sounds funny
21 The young man know as Sandro appeared at the house and his parents said ‘ we do n't want you to go back to the Hare Krishna movement ’ .
22 Alternatively , if you 're keen to sail the club will try to make arrangements for you to go out with a club member .
23 They ask you to go out with them , they buy you a drink or two — and then they think that they can do what they want !
24 ‘ What on earth possessed you to go down to the sea ? ’ asked Mrs Ridley .
25 " Did Comrade Andrew tell you to go down to the picket ?
26 ‘ What are you going on about ? ’
27 Fatty : What are you going on about , Marlon ?
28 At first I could not believe you thought this was the house and later … well , I enjoyed listening to you going on about it .
29 What are you going on about ?
30 What you going on about ?
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