Example sentences of "you be [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 have you been in to see Mrs ?
2 You been down to see them recently ?
3 You are also to clamp down on , er , native religions ? ’
4 PAMELA : I doubt not you are soon to return to Tunbridge ?
5 You are strictly to forbid them to deprive us of anything which ought of right to belong to us .
6 Throughout tonight you are not to leave your patient unless you are properly relieved .
7 It means you are not to use people , does n't it ? ’
8 You are not to use that kind of language ! ’
9 ‘ Now if anything be certain it is this , that where there are general words in a later Act capable of reasonable and sensible application without extending them to subjects specifically dealt with by earlier legislation , you are not to hold that earlier and special legislation indirectly repealed , altered , or derogated from merely by force of such general words , without any indication of a particular intention to do so .
10 You are not to fall for him , and that 's an order ! ’
11 The first review must take place within 24 hours , and preferably within 12 hours if you are not to spend a lot of time later in resurrecting the item and trying to remember it .
12 It may be a boundary drawn for the toddler 's safety ( ‘ You are not to go out of the front gate ’ ) ; it may be to do with the teenager 's wellbeing ( ‘ You do an hour 's homework ’ or ‘ You have to tell me who you 're out with and where you 'll be ’ ) .
13 You are not to go .
14 ‘ Harry you are not to go near that cottage not even of going near it — and I can read your thoughts by now .
15 I reckon the nuns beat her you are not to go out with boys !
16 Diniz , you are not to take part in this feud .
17 You are not to smoke
18 You are not to say that . ’
19 You are not to engage , I repeat , not to engage . ’
20 The amphiuma , from the same part of the world , still possesses all four of its limbs but they are so minuscule that you have to look very carefully if you are not to miss them .
21 ‘ He said to tell you he was working hard on the unknown numbers , and you are not to put yourself in danger of arrest . ’
22 ‘ And you are not to call me cara ?
23 When Jesus says to his disciples , ‘ You are not to set your mind on food or drink ; you are not to worry ’ ( Luke 12:29 — the only New Testament use of the word ) , he is saying that God 's care for us as Father means that food and drink are not to be a hang-up , an occasion for doubt and anxiety which constantly keeps us up in the air .
24 You are not to concern yourself with them at all . ’
25 She put her basket down on the pavement , held on to the woman with one arm , pulled on the man 's huge arm with the other , said to him firmly , if more than a little fearfully , ‘ No , you are not to touch her again .
26 Now to the Muses : I do n't call them to fortify my Walls against Wealth itself , but against Wealth in such a Shape as we had then described ; and you are not to think , that Poets , who love Ease and Pleasure , and the most gay Delights of Life , should hate the only Means of obtaining it
27 You are not to think of making do with a collation on Ash Wednesday ’ , he said to me .
28 Also , you will need to be particularly careful with your diet if you are not to suffer from fatigue .
29 All these are important matters for you to take into account if you are not to become embroiled in their , probably very old , business together .
30 I am sure you are not to blame for the iniquitous nature of this wretched will . ’
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