Example sentences of "you out for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Will you ? ’ rather than , ‘ Would you like me to take you out for a run in the car some time ? ’
2 ‘ It 's like a man takes you out for a meal and he 's thinking , ‘ I let her have an horsd'oeuvre , so I can definitely ask her to wear the handcuffs later on . ' ’
3 ‘ Why do n't I take you out for a nice dinner this evening ?
4 David and I were wondering if we could take you out for a spot of lunch .
5 ‘ How about letting me take you out for a pub lunch ?
6 And there 's a fascinating article in this , the current edition , the January edition it is now , because they go so far in advance , of She magazine , which says that er , it 's a desperate plight sometimes , when you have people coming for Christmas who fall into several categories like lazy slobs , who do absolutely nothing , and misers , who turn up with a stale box of chocolates , and never take you out for a meal in return for your hospitality , and the amorous couples who er , embarrass you by er , er , noisily retiring to their bedroom , if I may put it that way , and then the guests who turn up in mid-row , and bicker systematically over the whole of the festive period .
7 ‘ While you shower and change before I take you out for a meal . ’
8 Alright yeah not so bad mate , we 'll have to erm take you out for a , for dinner one day soon and er give you a chat what , you know , what we look for and er to scratch m my back and I 'll scratch yours .
9 what I 'll probably do is take you out for a little while so you can go up and see Annie and all that , next week , not only a
10 All right then well thank you Simon that 's a broad thank you and and thank you very much for your money as well a hundred and fifty quid he gave that 's loads of dosh er to come in for the day as well and I 'm going to take you out for a a nice lunch in a bit when he can wonder around have a poke around everywhere this afternoon too so should be all right should n't it that ?
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