Example sentences of "you [verb] they [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well they say the more you pick them the more they come is n't it ?
2 ‘ By laughing at them you make them a victim — and all humour has a victim , even if it 's yourself , ’ says Carl .
3 No , you make them the same as us !
4 Keep them out and you deny them the chance to share in our unpopularity .
5 Yeah four months old and it , I said that 's just the way you want them the better
6 I think erm I think is quite fair maybe if concessions could be raised to one fifty or two pounds but overall I think that people who can afford it spend such a lot of money on the raffle and we therefore give raffle tickets to those who can afford it could jealousy and on the raffle generally about a hundred pounds is made and if there , if there was more charge for tickets , people might not give so much for the raffles and also if you give but if you charge them a nominal sum and then shove other things at them on their options they might be more willing to give to optional choices like a raffle .
7 You 've got a captive audience there why the hell do n't you do it a sheet why do n't you give them a programme for the next three months exactly what is happening .
8 Would you give them a key position of accountability in your team ?
9 Can you give them a precise definition ?
10 Would you give them a hundred thousand pounds worth of life cover for a shorter period , looking at them making up the difference perhaps later when they could afford it , or would you give them initially a reduced amount of life cover , say eighty thousand , for the eighteen years ?
11 ‘ Did you give them the night off ? ’
12 How can you give them the opportunity to make alterations to the rules to give them " ownership " of a game ?
13 Ca n't you send them a bill for all the ones they 've had in the past ?
14 Have you se have you seen them the old fashioned boilers they used to have ?
15 You owe them no loyalty … you owe my country no enmity .
16 I 'm just one of the Star Councillors , but I was n't in the Star Room when you showed them the animal .
17 It 's easy when you become attached to birds to think of them in human terms , particularly if you give them a human name .
18 When you return your top scorer 's marks to ‘ Aquarian ’ you give them a chance of a free weekend for themselves and a partner at the Pontin 's Weston Super Mare-based Supreme Festival of Fishkeeping on November 7 and 8 .
19 Unless , of course , you give them a subsidy . ’
20 When you return your top scorer 's marks to ‘ Aquarian ’ you give them a chance of a free weekend for themselves and a partner at the Weston Super Mare based Supreme Festival of Fishkeeping on November 7 & 8 .
21 So he leaves them in a room where the locks open if you give them a threatening look . ’
22 And when you gallop them you put the rugs on and you walk them home quietly i if it 's a nice day like this , you give them a pick of grass in the paddock .
23 You give them a ball of what ?
24 assume that if you give them a population that owned seventy eight percent of the land and find out fifty percent of the land , then you , you know , you ca n't just give land , everyone 's not just gon na have land , you have to increase production to make everyone better off .
25 And if you 're with National Westminster , you telephone a , a n a number in Manchester or Birmingham or two or three other places I guess but as far as we 're concerned er the Birmingham Manchester one 's the cheapest you , you ring them up and you give them A your identification number and it immediately tells you what your balance is .
26 It 's funny you know , if you give them a long name
27 If you give them an explanation which later turns out to be untrue , their trust in you is shaken , their sense of security undermined , and they will not easily forgive you .
28 You give them the time of day .
29 The Geophagus will tolerate London tap , but the Crenicara filamentosa and the Rams are doomed unless you give them the right conditions .
30 Well the flowering house plants , we hope you 're going to be given for Christmas , things like cyclamen and indoor azaleas and also your indoor bowls of course will last much longer if you give them the coolest , lightest position you can .
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