Example sentences of "that now [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moving on to extended reproduction , all previous assumptions hold except that now a portion of the surplus-value will be accumulated in the form of constant and variable capital , that is , as c or v.
2 The procedures for assessment and the evaluation of educational needs have become more formalised since the 1981 Education Act so that now a report from a qualified teacher of visually handicapped children is a requirement of the assessment procedure for a child whose learning or development is affected by defective sight .
3 Though she had been quite a successful model herself Arlene had never reached those giddy heights — the thought that now a pupil and protégé of hers might achieve it made her prickle with excitement .
4 The nun realised that now the child had no one to protect her , some of the other children were making up for lost time .
5 But the sovereigns from Queen Victoria onwards turned consultations with the archbishop into a constitutional convention ; so that now the Archbishop of Canterbury had the principal say in the choice of bishops and had a right to be consulted on the choice of his own successor ; or , if he had not a constitutional right , at least he had every right to proffer advice to the prime minister whether the prime minister asked for it or not .
6 The fundamental difference between the traditional novel and this the new novel is that now the style is analytical and psychological .
7 First we require normal " load and store accumulator " instructions , as described earlier for computers with a single accumulator , except that now the instruction must specify the particular accumulator involved .
8 Nor did I desist until the patients were worn out , and said that now the devil had fled .
9 Mr Young said that now the trust had its core holdings , the second tranche of money would be invested more slowly with some held back for new opportunities .
10 Equation ( 8.22 ) is the expression for the combinatorial entropy of mixing of an athermal polymer solution and comparison with equation ( 8.7 ) shows that they are similar in form except for the fact that now the volume fraction is found to be the most convenient way of expressing the entropy change , rather than the mole fraction used for small molecules .
11 Whoever was on duty would move gently any part of the affected limb , trying as they did so to persuade Jimbo that now the pain was gone he might — I did not dare to say ‘ would ’ — be free soon to walk normally .
12 The clenched fist still swung at his side , and without easing his grip , he twisted her arm so that now the pain was terrible to endure .
13 ( Note that now the property right is with the entrant , who is able to join any club she wishes . )
14 She was longing for some peace and privacy , believing that now the wedding was over she would slip back into relative obscurity .
15 It seemed that now the process was under way her contribution was not required .
16 So that now the GCSE comes along , and lo ! what do we have but composition , performance and listening over four terms , and continuous assessment , etc .
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