Example sentences of "that all [noun] must " in BNC.

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1 This , in turn , means that all titles must sell internationally : ‘ To date have n't had one book that has n't gone into foreign editions . ’
2 Cognitio allowed another break with tradition : the rule that all judgments must be in money was abandoned .
3 Sometimes , when accused of eccentricity or indeed perversity of vision , she would claim that all knowledge must always be omnipresent in all things , and that one could startle oneself into seeing the whole by tweaking unexpectedly at a surprised comer of the great mantle .
4 Following Hill we shall show that all estimates must lie within these bounds .
5 ‘ Scientific thinking means that all things must be proved before they are .
6 Criticism demands that all evidence must be critically weighed , and all conclusions open to revision in the light of fresh evidence .
7 The 1927 Moneylenders Act provided that all moneylenders must possess a license costing £15 and that interest should not exceed 48 per cent a year .
8 Meantime , senior officers had gathered to watch from the rear observation and the order went out that all ranks must return to their posts .
9 Consumer Protection Act says that all goods must be safe , but the EC might interpret this as an unfair barrier to trade .
10 This means that all users must know which charge codes to use when they start to create new modules so that their modules can be stored against the correct charge code for their project .
11 Statutory regulations applying to the industry state that all machines must be fitted with a guard .
12 The Code also stipulates that all searches must be conducted with due consideration for the property and the privacy of the occupant , and with no more disturbance than is necessary .
13 The 1971 Act provides that all permissions must have conditions relating to the time within which the development must be started and approval of reserve matters sought .
14 So , if erm so your , your , your principal complaint , I maybe wrong it maybe not your principal , look at page a hundred and twenty seven for your assistance , erm standard form of agreements restricted competitions , the service of the petitions or the agents provided so this is names and thereby restrict the competition as the agents them say erm then impose on that it was a regime etcetera , erm that the , the competitive the anti competitive one is your sub paragraph one is n't it ? , on page one , two , seven your saying look here is a of , of dictated through their bi-laws , a standard form that all agents must use , you say , erm , er that that restricts competition because it means that agents are free , or as free as they ought to be , erm to compete with each other or providing services to outside names , I follow that , I did n't say I except it , but I follow that entirely , erm , but does n't , does n't , if you 're right does n't it follow that the agreements are void ?
15 Also [ WEA branch members ] have the reputation in official circles of being so ‘ dreadfully earnest ’ — more an indication of the frivolous attitude that all education must be made palatable to be consumable than a valid criticism of their activities .
16 We must also ensure that teaching is seen to be important , and a simple way to start is to insist that all doctors must document their experience when applying for jobs and that all appointments committees should ask about it .
17 Bear in mind that all sections must add up to the overall length measurement .
18 Our initial reaction to our brief in respect of bilingual pupils was that all pupils must have access to the same attainment targets and programmes of study for English .
19 One of his rules , which Miss Claybury could not contest , was that all patients must be spoken to kindly , but it was hard to make himself heard above the noise .
20 The idea is that all computers must conform to Russian standards , and the Committee has already singled out Summit Systems ( a Chips & Technologies Inc joint venture ) , the French-Italian-Russian joint venture Interquadro ; and Intermicro , a Russian-Austrian joint venture .
21 We are asked to reiterate that ALL Tutors must apply for the End of Module Tests from the N.E.C. Application for the Tests should be accompanied by the following information , giving three weeks notice or more .
22 Well now : this decision that all children must learn two languages , forgetting the thousands in many English cities who already have a home language , with a literature of its own .
23 We decided that all children must be able to speak and write Standard English , when appropriate ( see next chapter ) .
24 What to do if disorientation does occur : Since temporary mild disorientation is something that all pilots must learn to live with , the majority are probably not consciously aware of having to do anything .
25 He had thought , insofar as he had thought about it at all , that all prisons must be akin ; that there must be stone cells , barred windows , grilles , gaolers , other prisoners close by .
26 ( It should be noted here that the groom himself is of necessity a classifactory cross-cousin of the bride , for the rule is that all marriages must be between kinsmen of the same caste .
27 Do you think that all policy must be established on the basis of worst case scenarios ?
28 She felt that all compassion must have passed from Emilia with the emptying of her womb except for this last residue that smouldered in the promise she exacted now .
29 It passes a law saying that all envelopes must be left unsealed , so that it can open letters with ease .
30 The claims of the kingdom of God dictate that all people must be treated the same and be held in the same esteem .
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