Example sentences of "that she has been " in BNC.

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1 No , he wrote , because Diana herself does not acknowledge either that she has been waiting all her life for him to appear .
2 She gathers that she has been lucky on her journey to avoid the widespread banditry , carried out more often than not by deserters from the army .
3 Damaris discovers that she has been guilty of intellectual sin in failing to believe , to realize imaginatively , the nature of the material she is studying .
4 ‘ Do you mean to say that Mrs Ross 's daughter never left you and her children ? — that she has been with you all the time and is still your wife ? ’
5 When it emerges that she has been doing her voluntary work in York for just six years , her enormous commitment becomes clear .
6 Although the poem is conventional in several respects , it ends critically , not with the shepherdess cheered up by a song or by the sight of another attractive shepherd , but with Daphne recognizing that she has been gullible about her young man .
7 I would guess that she has been hurt at some time in the past , probably having banged her head or hip .
8 When the same scene happens night after night , his mother realizes that she has been doing the wrong thing , so instead she puts him to bed no matter how long or hard he cries .
9 What happens if a customer complains that she has been given the wrong change ?
10 It is a great merit in Mrs Taylor that she has been content to be guided by her moral taste , which is very fine and true , without trying to form a set of principles upon it .
11 Later , rejecting the claim that she has been irresponsible , Murphy says :
12 He boasts in the Tory-backing Daily Mail that she has been proved right in her warnings against the European exchange rate mechanism .
13 WACC 's President , Rev Randy L Naylor , and General Secretary , Rev Carlos A Valle , sent a congratulatory telegram to Rigoberta Menchu Tum following the announcement on 16 October that she has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace .
14 To say that she has been publicly compared with him and proved superior in fraction simplification is insufficiently explanatory .
15 Perhaps the reason is that she has been persuaded that teacher approval , and whatever other more tangible extrinsic rewards may follow , are in short supply and to gain what she needs she must not simply ( or even necessarily ) improve but also get ( or merely stay ) ahead of others .
16 A receptionist assures a potential guest that she has been allocated a room with a bathroom/w.c. and a balcony , when the room in fact allocated has none of these facilities ; s.14(1) also applies to this situation .
17 From January 1983 , married women will have the right to apply for Family Income Supplement ( a means-tested supplement for low wage-earners with children which currently specifies that only the husband in a married couple may apply ) and , provided the couple agree that she has been and is the main breadwinner , a married woman may then apply for means-tested supplementary benefit .
18 This profound sense of destiny which has influenced her life gives her an intuitive awareness that she has been singled out for a special role .
19 Such remarks , along with the usual party-political imperatives , mean that she has been subject to reflex ridicule for being out of step .
20 And it is important , for an understanding of Janey 's changing attitude to the boys , to know that she has been told their story .
21 One might almost think , says Robert — our Robert , must I call him ? — that she has been directing affairs herself !
22 Betty 's other criticism of the scheme is that she has been told to use it for individualised learning and she does not believe that the children learn properly this way .
23 She may be a spiteful piece , but there is no doubt that she has been very badly treated .
24 Although Joanne feels sore at the selectors , there are those who believe that she has been more a victim of circumstance than anything else .
25 But it could be argued that she has been placed in a high turn-over establishment because she possesses an authoritarian style of leadership .
26 He also persuades Cauley into moving in on Artemesia now that she has been ’ deflowered ’ .
27 Once Stella has returned Blanche tells her that she has been raped by her husband .
28 Jean Parmiter reported that she has been asked by the Executive Committee to organise the Annual Reunion on 29th November .
29 Jean Parmiter reported that she has been asked by the Executive Committee to organise the Annual Reunion on 29th November .
30 Consider now the various kinds of argument which can be used in approaching these points of focus in your material and making something new and interesting from them : mode of argument ( a ) : Revalue a reputation ( or assess relative achievement ) ; example An extended essay which argues that Josephine Tey is a major Scottish writer , and that she has been neglected because she wrote detective fiction .
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