Example sentences of "that she had [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ladies ’ verse' became a phrase of scorn ; anthologies ceased to include any , readers forgot its existence , and Elizabeth Barrett Browning was able to complain that she had no poetic grandmothers .
2 She was only half aware that Rachel was heavily subsidising her rent , because she was living in a part of London and a sort of house so different from her friends that she had no easy comparisons .
3 The Galiaras were told that all the trouble was caused by the fact that she had no entry certificate , but that does not explain the inhuman treatment she received .
4 The adjudicator concluded that Mr Hussain 's application was for a short-term stay and dismissed the appeal after hearing evidence from Miss Rafique that she had no intention of living in Pakistan .
5 Did she not understand that she had no need to fight me , to defend herself from me ?
6 ‘ This woman , ’ the judge would say , ‘ is so depraved , so much the slave of her own passions , that she had no hesitation in bludgeoning to death the father of her child on Christmas Eve . ’
7 She could feel Jackie watching her as she took a step forward , but she resisted the temptation to glance back , thrusting herself away from him , one step after another , angrily trying to justify her uncharacteristic behaviour and telling herself that she had no need to justify it .
8 When a girl whom I knew only as Meriel remarked , as we were washing up the cocoa-cups , that she was ‘ brought up in a bog ’ , and I commented naïvely that she had no trace of Irish accent , the unassuming daughter of the Earl of Meath merely smiled .
9 He asked to see Laura , but was told that she had no wish to see him .
10 Susan said that she had no intention of letting him into her life ; she did not trust him or his relationships with women , ‘ from what I observed of him , and I do n't think he felt very secure with me because of my straightforwardness ’ .
11 Lack of eye contact from his mother when he was talking about his day gave John Grant the firm message that she had no interest .
12 I was surprised , for I knew that she had no relatives in England at all .
13 I am afraid that she had no success with me but I remember our chanting of ‘ Rowned and rowned — up and dowwnn — rowned and rowned . ’
14 She looked at Gay , who was an only child too , but who had nobody to give her a good time , and then her glance travelled to Breeze , who had just admitted in her light-hearted fashion that she had no idea of what the future would hold for her .
15 He had let himself fall in with her will , and had not seen that she had no will , but was calling , alone , for a friend .
16 After the cottage had been bought the Canadian 's wife had heard graphic accounts of spilt brains and blood-spattered walls and had declared that she had no intention of living there in summer or at any other time .
17 But surely the woman could see that she had no future with Alex .
18 In answer to Tamar 's claims that she had no clothes suitable for a visit to the capital , Stephen persuaded her to wait until they arrived and then she would be able to buy something .
19 After a couple of false starts , Maxine was actually able to relax relatively well and she found that she had no problems about imagining a pleasant scene in her mind provided the visualization was guided by me .
20 In some ways she was happy that she had no conscious memory of the details , but unless she was able to recall them she knew that there would be no case for the young man to answer and he would go free .
21 She grew up believing that she had no right to be alive , let alone deserved any happiness .
22 ‘ Because he believed that Charles just is n't going to make it — and the sovereign 's relationship with her heir has always been difficult — Prince Philip urged her to assert that she had no intention of stepping down from the throne , that she must and will remain for the duration . ’
23 They have allegedly been swayed by news that Tyson 's accuser , beauty queen Desiree Washington , is negotiating book and film deals having previously stated that she had no plans to make money out of her experience .
24 A policeman assured her that she had no need to worry as her husband would soon be home as would the others .
25 It was due to take place the last week in August and Mrs Bennett who , since the death of her husband , had lived with her married daughter , had promised to ‘ see it through ’ , as she put it ; but she had also made it quite clear that she had no desire to stay on permanently , as Celia had hoped .
26 Isobel sighed , remembering many an argument on child care which she had lost , being invariably defeated by the rejoinder that she had no children and , therefore , knew nothing about them .
27 She could quite happily spend a few days here , just remembering her own childhood : the train set , the beautifully designed doll 's house , the football game … it made her sad that she had no children of her own so that she could cling on to that childhood that she so often missed .
28 In the second place , it is clear that she had no idea what effect her remark would or could have had on me .
29 She knew that she had no reason to feel ashamed .
30 So what was stopping him from going to her and telling her that she had no need to worry ?
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