Example sentences of "that they [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 These extensive changes integral to the process of industrialisation involved , moreover , a major paradox , in that they brought a ‘ new ’ society with great productive potential and more sophisticated and complex ways of living , while at the same time generating extensive disruptions in , traditional patterns of life and relationships , as well as creating new material problems of overcrowded and unpleasant urban conditions , poverty and unemployment .
2 Contemporaries distrusted them in the belief that they brought an unsavoury speculative element to the market in stocks .
3 According to PW , the jury were so confused by the end of the 11-month trial that they awarded the damages to United , rather than to SC .
4 But Matthew smiled , his teeth white and strong and so sensuous that they sent a shiver up her spine .
5 And he also rejected claims by the policeman and a civilian that they witnessed a soldier being struck by other military personnel to make it appear he had been struck by the car .
6 For one thing it overlooks God 's clear part in the extraordinary events that they witnessed the previous day .
7 Bob Shepton says that they sailed the atlantic and have been up to greenland so this was what was left to do …
8 So , a possible explanation of the unions ' behaviour is that they judged a Labour victory uncertain , if not unlikely ; that they preferred to make hay while the setting Labour sun still shone ; and that they felt secure against whatever weather a Conservative dawn might bring .
9 It was Peirce who first termed such expressions indexical signs , and argued that they determined a referent by an existential relation between sign and referent ( see Burks , 1949 ) Peirce 's category in fact included rather more than the directly Context-dependent expressions that are now called deictic or indexical , and his particular system of categories has not been put to much effective use in linguistic pragmatics ( but see e.g. Bean , 1978 ) .
10 Proposals , submitted through the Co-ordinator , would have to be assessed by the Group to ensure that they met a number of criteria .
11 It is while at an Instructor training course at the scouts ' Longbridge centre that they met the infamous Saun Baker and started to paddle with an informal group of Thames weir bashers .
12 His lips were so thick that they met the end of his nose and so wide that they became lost in his side-whiskers .
13 One of the big troubles was the way that they obstructed the pavements as most of their drinking would be done in the street , sat with backs against the pub wall .
14 Aggregate demand shocks ( alterations in the stance of monetary and fiscal policies were increasingly referred to as ‘ shocks ’ ) only affected real variables such as output and employment to the extent that they produced a state of confusion in the minds of agents regarding the behaviour of relative prices .
15 Professor Elton believes that they are part of the revolution in government carried through by Thomas Cromwell , that they produced an entirely new kind of Council — a formal governing board instead of an informal inner ring — and that they achieved a clear demarcation of function between administrative and judicial business , with the Privy Council attending to administration and the Star Chamber in effect the same people afforced by two judges — carrying out conciliar jurisdiction .
16 Although the collusion of Roger-Bernard in Saisset 's alleged fantasies was strenuously denied , the mere existence of the charges suggests that they carried a certain credibility .
17 The thickness of the walls should imply that they carried the cella in the form of a tower .
18 Yeah that that used to be I 've seen on film I 've seen that you know like in Stornoway and places like that they carried the coffins
19 They were so impressed that they asked the owner whether he had any other works by Modigliani .
20 He says that they mounted an undercover operation to get to the horse — it 's in such a bad way it may have to be put down .
21 It was only when doing a post-mortem that they discovered the two small puncture marks side by side on her left buttock .
22 No civilisation under Imperial influence would have developed in such a direction ; it must be concluded therefore that they discovered the technology for themselves . ’
23 What they had said was at the end of the war they aimed at a safe and lasting peace , and to obtain that they demanded a setting up of a League of Nations .
24 More recently Charles Dillingham and George White had visited the Palace Theatre , London and were so impressed that they booked the Girls to appear in Good Morning Dearie , George White 's Scandals of 1923 , the Nifties of 1923 as well as all the Fred Stone promotions .
25 The French were so proud of introducing these alien craft to unaccustomed northern waters that they struck a special medal to commemorate their proposed use , at which English sailors laughed aloud .
26 When the company indicated that it considered it was the fairest situation that could be achieved in the circumstances , the union representatives said that they noted the company 's position .
27 It was also during the winter months that vines were taken down from their wires and their ends tied ( often to the water pipes ) so that they formed a large bow shape .
28 ‘ In European countries , it took the working class years and years before they fully realized the fact that they formed a distinct and , under existing conditions , a permanent class of modern society ; and it took years again until this class-consciousness led them to form themselves into a distinct political party , independent of , and opposed to , all the old political parties formed by the various sections of the ruling classes .
29 Yet in the first half of the century the number of unmarried women increased substantially , so that they formed a significant minority group Spinsters maintained an anomalous social position and were often seen as a threat to a society that assumed all women would marry and be subject to the control of their husbands [ Hill , 229–30 ] .
30 So angry was he with her that he flung a handful of the stars after her , and they fell to earth with such force that they formed a row of waterholes across the country .
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