Example sentences of "that this [noun] must " in BNC.

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1 However , plumes are generally enriched in those elements that are enriched in the Earth 's crust , and studies of radiogenic isotopes showed that this enrichment must have occurred hundreds , if not thousands , of millions of years ago .
2 Note that this keyword must be included even if there are no users to be granted access .
3 Note that this keyword must be included even if there are no users to be granted access .
4 Note that this keyword must be included even if there are no users to be granted access .
5 ‘ I saw that this cataclysm must be an expiation for some barbarous crime of civilization , some terrible human lie .
6 Watkins LJ in Seymour in the Court of Appeal ( 1983 ) 76 Cr App R 21 stated that this direction must not be used : " It is no longer necessary or helpful to make reference to compensation and negligence . "
7 In noting such comments , it is appropriate to recall that this discussion must be seen against a background described with some outrage by many commentators .
8 Einstein perceived that there must be a direct link between the distribution of mass/energy and the curvature of space–time and that this link must be expressible in tensor form .
9 The black activists ' struggle for human rights within South Africa is one that this union must support we must look to support their unions in every way we can with both resources training and financial support .
10 This suggests that this water must have formed before 1986 , but later than the 1960s .
11 We must be clear that this occasion must be the exception and not the rule .
12 When we say that individuals have a right to be protected against assault , we do not mean that this protection must be achieved through some particular scheme we already have in mind .
13 Mcloughlin and Brown emphasise that this exercise must be undertaken after due consultation with all those involved , recognising that such matters as customer satisfaction can not be addressed without the involvement of the customer , who could be asked to score the quality of the service provided .
14 However , it appears that this change must relate to certain dialects of Southern British English at that date , and not necessarily to other dialects .
15 Miss Arden submits that this provision must be read subject to section 31 of the Theft Act 1968 , and that if there is conflict between the two sections , section 31 should prevail .
16 That is why mystics in all religious traditions insist that this journey must not be undertaken without the close guidance of an expert .
17 In a country in which education up to the age of 16 has become universal and compulsory , and education up to the age of 19 an option for everyone , we have to recognize that this education must be designed to meet pupils ' needs .
18 Nevertheless , there was an Empire and an Emperor ; it followed that there must be a court and that this court must reflect the nature of the new regime .
19 If , on the other hand , it is not clear by established principles of our law that the council has the right to sue in libel for alleged injury to its reputation , so that this court must decide whether under the common law that right is properly available to the council as a local government authority , then , as is not in dispute , this court must , in so deciding , have regard to the principles stated in the Convention and in particular to article 10 : see Reg. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department , Ex parte Brind [ 1991 ] 1 A.C. 696 .
20 We believe that this problem must be tackled .
21 It is with this view in mind that this book must be read .
22 The names of the borrowers indicate that this book must have belonged to the Oa school and the few addresses given were Glenastle , Stremnish and Kinnabus , would seem to confirm this .
23 The character table for C 3 ν ; the point group concerned , shows that this vibration must therefore be totally symmetric , of a 1 symmetry species , and that it will also be Raman active .
24 It struck me that this place must be fairly normal as lodging houses go , for on the whole the lodgers did not complain .
25 MPs are in the unique position of being able to vote themselves unlimited money from public funds : the dominant view among MPs has always been that this power must be exercised with restraint .
26 We gained energy from each other and I determined that this strength must be used creatively .
27 My Lords , I agree with the speech of my noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , that this appeal must be allowed for the reasons he gives .
28 We conclude that this movement must be driven by forces generated in the epidermis .
29 I believe too that this analysis must proceed historically , which is why I approach it via the now familiar historical detour .
30 It remains to show , however , that this training must be discriminative , with the different stimuli being associated with different events .
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