Example sentences of "that by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This would suggest that by the date of the walls , the interior was already well built-up ; indeed excavations near the south-west gate she wed the intervallum road to have been re-metalled six times indicating prolonged usage .
2 Even so , there can be little doubt that by the middle of the war , the hold of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ was among German youth , too , in a process of disintegration .
3 The industry 's multi-processing unit gurus assembled at the Microprocessor Forum in California last month , looked into their crystal balls and predicted that by the middle of the decade a typical high-end microprocessor would run at 250MHz-300MHz with about 64Kb of on-chip cache and a maximum issue rate of 4–6 instructions a cycle , double today 's leading silicon .
4 Criticisms such as these were so widely deemed effective that by the middle of the 1960s Realism was popularly held to have been superseded as the dominant approach in the discipline .
5 The result was that by the middle of 1990 , both companies were finding sales of their established ‘ bread-and-butter ’ linguistic product lines seriously eroded .
6 This was so successful in London and the South-East that by the middle of 1937 there existed something like a parallel system to the official machinery .
7 He reminded me there was a counterclaim for £2,444 and that by the order the plaintiffs in this action were released from any possible liability on the counterclaim .
8 And such was the momentum of the new German scholarship that by the beginning of the nineteenth century Germany had become the European centre for classical studies , traditional as well as new , and an unprecedented growth in the scale of scholarly work of a host of different kinds well under way .
9 Erm this gives an average over say a five year period of about a hundred and forty nine dwellings per annum , if you if you divide that by the household er estimate of something like two point five household size , which is the current sort of level in Cleveland .
10 Sheets are usually 300mm ( 12in ) square , and are often sold in packs of five or 10 ; the best way of estimating quantities is to work out the area to be covered , and to divide that by the coverage figure given on the pack , which will tell you how many packs to buy .
11 AMERICA ‘ Latest estimates show that by the year 2010 , the USA will be a Japanese-owned country speaking Spanish .
12 ( Mind you , if you had extrapolated the trend of Dixons sales in the mid-80s , you would have concluded that by the year 2020 we would be spending every penny of our income on consumer electronics . )
13 But Parents for Safe Food are lending their support to the Soil Association 's efforts to ensure that by the year 2000 , 20% of our food will be organic .
14 The effect will be that by the year 2000 nuclear energy should overtake oil as France 's main fuel , with oil consumption falling by 26% , representing a considerable reduction in the cost of importing energy .
15 It has been predicted by motor industry scientists that by the year 2000 only half of cars will still use petrol , with methanol the next largest power source followed by diesel , liquefied petroleum gas and alcohol produced by biomass .
16 These facts , coupled with population growth , suggest that by the year 2000 most of the remaining forests will have disappeared and been replaced with subsistence farming with a little surplus income derived from cash crops .
17 The Department of Energy estimates that by the year 2000 , 1.6 million tonnes of straw could be providing energy on farms and for industry .
18 In 1989 the Royal and Ancient Golf Club , the sport 's governing body , issued a report concluding that by the year 2000 an extra 700 courses would be needed in England , Wales and Northern Ireland to meet demand .
19 Cardinal Heenan warned a long time ago that by the year 2,000 there would be no Catholic Church in our country if something was not done to rectify things .
20 Indeed , it seems that by the year 2000 , over 78% of the population will be happily tuned into a whole variety of new channels beamed from above .
21 But we 'll have to find an answer by the years two thousand , because the way the legislation 's written , means that by the year two thousand we can no longer use rateable value .
22 Allowing for the various lag effects , this means that by the year 2030 sea level may be 20 to 100 cm higher than at present .
23 ( One of the most widely discussed population projections forecast that by the year 2033 , the total population of England and Wales would be no larger than that of the County of London in 1934 . )
24 Included in the four Lifetime Learning targets are that 50% of the workforce should be aiming for NVQs or units towards them by 1996 , and that by the year 2000 , 50% of the workforce be qualified to at least NVQ level 3 or equivalent .
25 Together , it is believed , that by the year 2000 these initiatives could generate a 5% reduction in casualties in this category .
26 I was heartened to see that one of the slogans on London East TEC 's letterhead is : ’ Our vision is that by the year 2000 , the East side of London should be as prosperous as the West side ’ — that seems to be an excellent vision for London East TEC .
27 Nobody can say that by the year 2000 there will be five pits , 14 pits — or any number of pits .
28 It was also announced that the country 's domestic defence industry was to be developed in the 1990s so that by the year 2000 it would be able to produce its own military aircraft , warships and submarines .
29 On Oct. 29 the Council of ( Environment and Energy ) Ministers agreed that by the year 2000 the EC as a whole should stabilize emissions of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , a key greenhouse gas , at levels no higher than those of 1990 .
30 Chin said on June 17 that by the year 2000 around 90 per cent of global AIDS cases would be among heterosexuals .
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