Example sentences of "that in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A habitat specificity of a pollinator would improve pollination success ; however it can be argued that in a dispersal agent this would lead to increased predation of seedlings .
2 Just as Wunis Abdulhadi was able to opt out among friends , but knew that in a conflict he could not walk down the street without danger of attack from Zuwaya , so ‘ the obligation to fight ’ arose from people 's perception that their opponents would assume the worst possible case — — that everyone who had a theoretical obligation to fight would do so .
3 Decisions such as these show that the courts inclined to the view that in a conflict between the common law property right of an individual and the statutory powers of a local authority to interfere with those rights , the benefit of any doubt in statute was to be given to the individual — and that this was particularly so if the statute gave less than full compensation to the individual .
4 Perhaps he had not said to himself that in a marriage between two like this , someone was going to have to know a little less clearly what they had wanted .
5 You do n't need the brake lights of the guy in front of you to tell that he 's gon na stop , you 've anticipated that in a minute this guy 's gon na stop so you you 're already er braking and slowing down .
6 Bye bye money , give me that in a minute will you ?
7 it is a funny film , you seen Roxanne where he plays a fucking funny , he has to think of twenty pornographic , the only women who can satisfy two by two women at once its got here , nature loving , too much , really love little bee , give a mat to sit on and stuff like that , your gon na fucking break that in a minute , time have you Mark ?
8 Oh , I 'll empty that in a minute I must admit I do n't fancy trying to do it , it 's going to be really cold and horrible .
9 Adeniyi said that in a survey of 93 scientists and engineers from Nigeria who attended overseas courses on remote sensing , only 22 were in a position to apply the knowledge that they had obtained .
10 A recent British Medical Journal article indicated that in a survey of eighteen patients treated in this way only four ’ — that is the 22.2 per cent .
11 He also pointed out that in a survey of 1,000 " organic " farms , only 400 were wholly free of pesticides and fertilisers .
12 Eastham is so lacking in facilities , that in a survey of more than 7,000 parishes by the Rural Development Commission , it came bottom .
13 The latter observation suggests that in a proportion of patients with venous ulcers , bacterial infection and/or oedema may not be controlled .
14 Of course , psychiatric diagnosis is not an error free process , and it is possible that in a proportion of the cases where there was diagnostic disagreement it was the research assessment that was in error ; it should be noted that in some cases the research psychiatrists could not agree among themselves on the diagnosis .
15 There is published evidence that P cepacia is transmissible , directly or indirectly , between individuals , and that in a proportion who acquire it the infection is associated with rapid deterioration or death , even when they were previously in good health and clinically stable .
16 IT IS a rather puzzling irony that in a country where we are apparently so obsessed with our homes , such a huge proportion of our new houses are mass produced boxes which are put up speculatively by developers who have little knowledge of their end customers ' needs and requirements .
17 One set of scenarios for the engineering industry suggests that in a country such as Norway , with small communities at the heads of the many fiords , an appropriate use of the technology would be for each community to have some equipment to produce particular parts of a product or to engage in particular parts of a production process .
18 The whole affair cost anything up to $300million ( estimates differ ) and that in a country where per capita income , through rising , was till only about $500 a year .
19 ‘ I do n't understand economics , Superintendent : why is it that in a country with three million on the dole some of us do n't have time to breathe ?
20 Dr K C Reddy , an urologist in Madras , India , reopens the argument for allowing people to sell their kidneys for transplants through a state-controlled system of ‘ rewarded gifting ’ , asserting that in a country with no cadaver transplant programme and where long-term dialysis is impracticable , there is no alternative for those with renal failure but to ‘ buy or die ’ .
21 It is shown in books on the calculus [ see , for example , Kreyszig ( 1967 ) or Boas ( 1966 ] that in a transformation from a set of coordinates Xj to another set , the volume element dV in the former becomes dv=JdV in the latter , where J is the Jacobian determinant .
22 The National Council for the Aged in the Republic of Ireland reports that in a sample of schoolchildren 62 per cent felt they had a friendly relationship with older people in general .
23 Does the Minister accept that in a recession in which many small businesses have gone to the wall , their failure is often identified with the late payment by large companies of their debts ?
24 So let's just say that in a poll of several of the best known , best regarded children 's agents , the general , unattributable response to whether and how the recession is affecting their is as follows .
25 ‘ You 're saying that in a building — a skyscraper , say — on the top floor , the clocks go faster than those on the ground floor ! ’
26 To Wishart , Minton said that in a hangover state he sometimes felt as if his eyeballs had been pulled out , tied in a very complicated knot and pushed back with the knots intact .
27 Similarly , in obese patients receiving weight reduction , Broomfield and colleagues found that in a dose of 1300 mg/day , aspirin inhibited ( albeit to a non-significant extent ) the development of microcrystals , microstones , and gall stones — which developed with high frequency in untreated patients .
28 The American conductor John Canarina also pointed out that in a performance he attended at Tanglewood in 1965 and in a recording he made with the Chicago Symphony , Munch made two cuts between figs. 110 and 128 ( in the Durand score ) .
29 Many have been taught that in a relationship they have no right to make demands on a partner ; to say clearly what they want may lose his affection .
30 ‘ We 'll fix that in a fortnight , ’ Vitor said , stopping to frown .
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