Example sentences of "that in [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The point that in dreams we see things ‘ as existing at a great distance ’ indicates that this objection can be answered , but he acknowledges that some explanation is needed .
2 The climb was so steep that in places it could be made only with the help of ropes .
3 Its companion , Alcor or 80 Ursæ Majoris , is of magnitude 4.0 , and is easily visible with the naked eye ; the angular distance between the two is 11.8 minutes of arc , so that in binoculars they make a noble pair .
4 Arcturus can be found by following round the curve of Ursa Major , but it is in any case quite unmistakable ; it has a K-type spectrum , and is a lovely light orange , so that in binoculars it is beautiful .
5 It seems likely that in ways we can never measure , the preachings about the superiority of the life of the spirit may have been profoundly discouraging and alienating to mothers of very young children , who knew about the realities of their own lives and realized that these preachings were profoundly insensitive to those realities … .
6 As has been shown above , blood was perceived to be the life-giving force of the universe — an obvious conclusion on empirical grounds , but one which was elevated from the pragmatic to the sacred in Hebrew thought by the belief that in humans it was also the seat of the soul , hence the choice of terminology noted at the outset of this essay for murder and death in the Old Testament .
7 Other member parties in the coalition , however , were reported to prefer the formation of a new government without elections , anticipating that in elections they stood to lose votes to regional autonomy parties .
8 The word for ‘ make intercession ’ is the same in Hebrews 7:25 as in Romans 8:26 ; except that in Romans it has a prefix which indicates intensity , or , perhaps , stresses that it is done for us .
9 His thick white hair was cut short and unevenly , so that in parts it stood up in clumps .
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