Example sentences of "that make [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 But what if at the moment of birth the whole of one 's life to come were to flash before one 's eyes and then to be immediately wiped away , forgotten , while we laboriously go through all the pleasures and sorrows , all the hopes and frustrations that make up a life , meeting people and parting from them , listening to them and speaking to them , to go through tasting all we taste in the course of our long lives , seeing all we see , every leaf at every moment and every cloud at every moment , and hearing all we hear , the hooting of every car and the singing of every bird and every performance of the Brandenburg concertos , go through all that , in time , very slowly , though we had already been through it all , every moment of it , leaf , cloud , concerto , in one brief but intense instant , everything perfectly formed but over in less than a second ?
2 Football now has Bob Wilson of Arsenal and Emlyn Hughes of Liverpool and on independent television there is Ian StJohn and Jimmy Greaves ( ‘ The Saint and Greavsie ’ ) , who have taken the art of televised sport a step further by reproducing in the studio all the mixture of jokes and outlandish memories , bets , hunches , tactical shrewdness , and affectionate ‘ piss-taking ’ that make up a friendly hour in the pub .
3 So far as I knew I covered the area around my bowels , liver , one kidney and all the other bits and pieces that make up a living abdomen .
4 The conclusions are based , as they have to be , on the smaller bits of behaviour that make up a given style .
5 The vehicles that make up a cruise missile flight will emerge regularly from their base and drive around the countryside to practise .
6 An additional consequence of this narrow definition has been an emphasis and preoccupation with the chemical and reactive sequences leading to signal generation , with little or no attention given to the materials that make up a biosensor .
7 Hooker Phil Kearns said : ‘ If winning can inspire so many people than I can put up will the months of hard slog , sleepless nights , aches and pains and fleeting fears of failure that make up a World Cup campaign .
8 But there was not yet a drug invented , or ever likely to be , that could cope with all the different and complex actions and judgements that make up a round of tournament golf .
9 Both can be presumed to matter most when and where they are most influential — as in the charting of the interests , concerns and methods of analysis that make up a new academic discipline .
10 Nor is science concerned with just the kinds of generalization that make up a theory of determinism with respect to our lives .
11 They are defined as firms or enterprises whose final output is in some sense non-material , irrespective of the types of occupation that make up a firm 's labour force .
12 Indeed , in an essay which may be read as a gloss on aspects of S/Z ( with which it is roughly contemporary ) , ‘ The Death of the author ’ , Barthes writes that it is the reader , and not the author , who constitutes the only focus for the multiple writings and codes of which the text is made up : ‘ The reader is the space on which all the quotations that make up a writing are inscribed without any of them being lost ’ ( 1977b : 148 ) .
13 The idea of this quiz is to earn letters that make up a quote by answering the questions correctly .
14 The opening screen is in fact a text editor that you can use to enter the commands that make up a QBasic program .
15 This section provides an overview of the various activities that make up a typical risk management programme , and then presents some examples of good practice derived from Engineering Council studies and other sources .
16 The basic idea is that the cosmid probes that make up a contig should hit cosmid clones which are all hit by one or two YACs .
17 ‘ What we need is to put more focus on creating brand-consciousness — and by that I mean everything that makes up a brand , such as style , colour , fashionableness , image , price , quality .
18 Each of the chants , songs , or poems that makes up a unit teaches a basic structure and is extended by a relevant picture activity .
19 Each application places its own peculiar burden on the hardware that makes up a system .
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