Example sentences of "that at the end " in BNC.

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1 Some years ago the teachers of one language pronounced themselves satisfied that at the end of a year the students of it had the capacity for literary reading ; the equally competent and concerned teachers of another language were convinced that their students had achieved no such capacity , and that the process was rather a waste of time .
2 ‘ Is it safe to do that , knowing one outcome may be that at the end of the process we exclude sexual abuse ?
3 I do not believe that at the end of a week in which we have honed a new policy we are going to even contemplate bargaining that away in smoke-filled rooms with Paddy Ashdown , David Owen , or anyone else . ’
4 He once defined the Anglican doctrine of apostolic succession to several Lutherans so that at the end they could be heard saying ‘ Hear , Hear ’ .
5 By Colin Gibson Liverpool 2 Wimbledon 3 MAYBE it was predictable that at the end of a week of distractions for Liverpool , Wimbledon should benefit at Anfield last night .
6 It is all the more remarkable then that at the end of the century it was thought feasible and worthwhile to improve the system by the creation of the inclined plane , that other source of interest and wonder at Foxton .
7 The conclusion must be drawn that at the end of the period 1978–83 , when America 's peace process was at its height , the dangers for the Middle East , particularly Israel , had increased rather than receded .
8 Even quite small companies parted with large sums to ensure that at the end of the line the fare-paying public would be greeted by an imposing terminal .
9 More money and more promotion wo n't bring him happiness and , I suspect that at the end of the day , neither will they satisfy you .
10 First , just two appear at the front end as distinct blocks of tissue and then , about each hour , another pair are added behind them and a wave of formation proceeds backwards so that at the end of a few days there are 46 somites .
11 But at least the fusion community needs such volumes to remind it that at the end of the day the scientific juggling will come to nothing if it does not lead to a convenient and not too expensive source of electricity .
12 Some people , however , claimed that at the end of its run the mysterious tram disappeared on to a private spur line leading into the grounds of the presidential palace .
13 He was good at them , linking all the stories together with more gum and spit , reintroducing the characters with , ‘ You know that bad bad man who was caught naked in the bathing hut ? ’ , as in a wild soap opera , until he knew that at the end of her day spent sucking on dusty brain juice , her maddening mouth would inevitably say , ‘ Hey , Changez , husband or whatever you are , do n't you know any more about that politician geezer that got thrown into jail ? ’
14 But now , her pregnancy and his ever-increasing work-load meant that at the end of the day they were both so exhausted that there was only the desire for an early night and a brief conversation about all their plans or what Brian called , ‘ the state of play ’ .
15 What really happened was that he had to climb a length of rope which had mattresses underneath it so that at the end of each take he could simply drop to the ground in safety .
16 As we drove back to the airport Smith said that at the end of the war he had been executive officer at a naval air base in California , and that one of the officers there had been a certain Lieutenant Richard Milhous Nixon .
17 On his way he passed the main drive , and he could see that at the end of it the gates were open .
18 Another , closely related , hypothesis is that at the end of each day we have in our unconscious a sort of ragbag of bits and pieces of experience which our conscious mind has not had the time , opportunity or inclination to process ; once again , the function of the dream is to deal with this material .
19 ‘ We are still confident that at the end of the day we will find out who killed Mrs Shelley . ’
20 What is it about them that speaks to you , that calls forth such a strong response that at the end you feel satisfied , nourished , as though something new had taken place ?
21 ‘ She told me she and Mellor had long chats about politics , and that it had been suggested by the Prime Minister that at the end of the year Mellor would be made the new Party chairman . ’
22 The other is that at the end of time there will only be the kings of Hearts , Spades , Diamonds , Clubs and England .
23 Antonia , talking in London , said that at the end of the day ‘ you are responsible for your own actions ’ .
24 And be advised that at the end of its days at Eardisley , it was rescued by Welshpool 's famous narrow gauge railway company and transported piece by piece to Raven Square station .
25 The police , having interviewed working colleagues of the victim at the London Docks , had elicited information to the effect that at the end of his shift he met two men outside the gates and said he was going for a drink with them .
26 I think that at the end of his life he thought that what he knew was lost for ever .
27 The result was that at the end of the decade British critics of the BFASS , few as they were , tried to draw together once again .
28 A guessing game goes on with the diviner responding to the client 's cues so that at the end of the consultation , the client departs with all his worst suspicions amply confirmed .
29 The process of deciding where you are taking your business is the opportunity to get the involvement and commitment of others , which actually forms the motive power that at the end of the day will make it happen .
30 This would mean that at the end of year 1 a UK car would have a showroom price of £13,200 not £12,000 .
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