Example sentences of "that it can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 During beta testing , Bristol will be working with small independent software vendors willing to hand their source code over to Bristol so that it can properly babysit the whole operation .
2 Mr. Wall prays in aid that passage in the judgment of Lord Donaldson M.R. in support of his submission that it is only in the event of the court in this country finding that article 13 ( b ) is applicable to the case that it can properly consider the ‘ welfare interests ’ of the child in deciding whether to decline to order the return of the child to Australia .
3 The Labour party had no place for pensioners in the past and no promises that it can properly meet for the future .
4 If the company feels that it can largely pass changes in input prices on , it will be more appropriate to focus on productivity changes than on absolute cost changes .
5 With any excavating job you can avoid creating a blot on the landscape for months after by slicing the turf off in strips , so that it can later be relaid .
6 The connectedness of the individual worker to his work environment is such that it can easily be controlled by others .
7 The chosen lexicon or word list must be represented in computer memory , but there are numerous methods which could be employed to do this , in order that it can easily be searched .
8 Transmission teaching , or ‘ recitation teaching ’ as it is more commonly called in the United States , is so pervasive within the school system that it can easily be interpreted as the ‘ natural ’ or ‘ proper ’ way to teach , as a network of rules and procedures special to the teaching environment which must be learned , rehearsed and developed in a practical way by the new teacher in order to gain competent membership of the teaching community , and of the classroom order in particular .
9 The tape containing the raw material collected will be deposited at the ESRC Data Archive at the University of Essex and will be designed so that it can easily be analysed in conjunction with Census Small Areas Statistics .
10 This virus affects the body 's defence system so that it can not fight infection .
11 The disadvantage of rope or parafil is that it can not be retrieved at high speed without the friction overheating and burning the material .
12 The final and the greatest problem of the neurophysiological version of the CTP ( or , indeed , any version of the CTP ) , is that it can not explain the intentionality or ‘ aboutness ’ that connects the neural events with the object they are supposed to be perceptions of .
13 The trouble with this manoeuvre is that it can not help but demote poetry .
14 The best hope of it actually achieving power would be a prolonged demonstration by the Conservative Government that it can not run the economy competently .
15 On the other hand , it will be argued that the large number of arrests points to a malaise of such dimensions that it can not completely be dealt with by a police investigation and that a wider inquiry is called for .
16 The decision of an inferior tribunal with a limited jurisdiction and a limited function to perform is capable of creating an estoppel for all purposes , subject to the principles that it can not conclusively determine the limits of its own jurisdiction and that a public official can not be debarred from performing his statutory duty .
17 Mr Clarke , speaking on ITN 's News At Ten last night , tried to limit the damage from the disclosure , saying : ‘ All ministers , including David Trippier , agree with me that it can not be right that National Health Service pay can be determined by industrial action of this kind taken by militant trade unions .
18 For no matter how much it is objected that it can not be stated definitely from these considerations just what the thing is like according to its nature , but only what it is like in respect to one thing or to another , it may still be said what there is in it which makes it appear to be this in respect to one thing and that in respect to another ; and consequently it may be said both to be one thing according to its nature and to be this or that in respect to other things .
19 In fact people will often say that it can not be true because they would undoubtedly have known if it was going to happen .
20 Suppose it wants to go from A to a point E that it can not see .
21 ‘ If your own family is so badly brought up , ’ thundered a Scottish columnist , ‘ so lacking in moral fibre that it can not make a go of its marriages , what price all those Christmas homilies ? ’
22 So , in a paper written to commemorate the life and work of Danny Lehrman , whose critical interest in ethology and psychiatry had been considerable , I argued pessimistically ( Crook 1977 a ) that an understanding of the primate behaviour I had been reviewing ‘ provides no more than a kind of educational backcloth — a reference literature for university courses on human evolution and that it can not begin to touch upon the existential issues that are the central focus of living human relations .
23 No dose of a highly potentized remedy can be too small that it can not be stronger than the natural disease , that it can not at least partially overcome it and that it can not start the process of cure .
24 No dose of a highly potentized remedy can be too small that it can not be stronger than the natural disease , that it can not at least partially overcome it and that it can not start the process of cure .
25 No dose of a highly potentized remedy can be too small that it can not be stronger than the natural disease , that it can not at least partially overcome it and that it can not start the process of cure .
26 The small surplus that is distributed is so limited that it can not be shared by all , but patronage is a mechanism of selecting a few workers to benefit .
27 The construction does not , I think , accomplish this , and there are reasons to believe that it can not be successfully carried out .
28 Fulfilment of their legal obligation , would send a powerful message to the contestants : to the Palestinians of the occupied territories that they can hope for protection , and to Israel that it can not disobey international law with impunity .
29 It is only when the United States persuades Israel that it can not continue to deny the choice of representative that the Palestinian people have made — however reprehensible that representative may seem — that any meaningful international dialogue towards peace can take place .
30 Within a given political economy where there is a ‘ free ’ market for labour ( taking this , hypothetically as given ) , labour becomes so plentiful and therefore cheap that it can not make a living .
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