Example sentences of "that [modal v] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Research work also continues on serotonin secretion by the brain and on drugs that may affect that process .
2 Finally , there are a number of factors leading to an increase in expenditure that may affect local authorities at particular times .
3 This is important since the brief was always to destroy anything that may leave incriminating evidence .
4 However , training is the tool that may enable greater awareness of NACAB policies and their relevance ; through training both the long-term aims of the association and the immediate aims of the adviser might be achieved , but conflict arises when there is insufficient time for both .
5 ( 1991 ) have analysed various industrial policy measures that may achieve these ends , including direct and indirect subsidies to producers as well as standard protectionist measures such as tariffs , quotas , and non-tariff barriers .
6 Pilots may not fully appreciate the nature of manoeuvre-induced errors ( frequently called instrument lag ) that may effect pressure-dependent flight instruments during manoeuvres which result in a change of angle of attack .
7 This is a complex series of events that may involve various altered cellular properties , such as secretion of proteolytic enzymes , alterations in cell motility , and altered growth properties , as well as possible changes in adhesiveness .
8 In this climate , the academic in English and other subjects in the humanities , who is busy , who publishes a lot , who goes to conferences , can not but be preferred to the quiet scholar , who keeps a low profile , even seems rather idle , but is taking his time over a major piece of scholarly writing that may involve many years ' work and which he does not intend to give to the world until he is ready .
9 Strangely , this section does not mention modification of childbearing patterns among the measures that may serve this goal , while expressly stating that : " Sustained reductions in fertility have generally been preceded by reductions in mortality .
10 Because of the perceived significance of augmentation of basal UOS pressure as a mechanism that may prevent gastro-oesophageal reflux , we performed an analysis of the effects of oesophageal distention and acidification on basal UOS pressure .
11 the ending may seem quite unconvincing , with the prospect of their marriage , but there are a few clues from Pip 's first meeting with her till then that may suggest some development .
12 In some species males and females consort socially in long-term relationships that may last many years .
13 Very recent taxonomic observations , though , have identified a population of pigs in northern Kenya and Somalia that may match this description .
14 As an example — when an infill mailshot is taking place that may generate hundreds of responses by phone , or post do we
15 If the immediate international situation is used as an excuse to get us to drop our opposition to the rearmament programme of the Government , the next phase must be that we must desist from any industrial or political action that may disturb national unity in face of fascist aggression .
16 To give more power to the carver 's elbow there are now a wide range of electric carving systems , and here we test a selection of machines and tools that may offer more than a saving in time
17 Although these data are extremely useful , it can not assess reflux of potentially harmful materials such as bile , which has a near neutral pH , or even food with a near neutral pH that may contain other damaging agents such as pepsin .
18 By implication , Levitt takes the view that a global market should be viewed as one with particular market segments that may bear little or no relationship to geographical boundaries .
19 Secondly , much of the evidence presented in the editorial ( and this letter ) is based on hypotheses derived from models of invasion and metastasis that may bear little relation to the function of metalloproteinases in vivo .
20 ( k ) To enter into any arrangements with any government or authority ( supreme , municipal , local or otherwise ) that may seen conducive to the attainment of the Company 's objects or any of them , and to obtain from any such government or authority any charters , decrees , rights , privileges or concessions which the Company may think desirable and to carry out , exercise , and comply with any such charters , decrees , rights , privileges , and concessions .
21 ( k ) To enter into any arrangements with any government or authority ( supreme , municipal , local or otherwise ) that may seen conducive to the attainment of the Company 's objects or any of them , and to obtain from any such government or authority any charters , decrees , rights , privileges or concessions which the Company may think desirable and to carry out , exercise , and comply with any such charters , decrees , rights , privileges , and concessions .
22 As we approach retirement , we are in an age range that may encompass another kind of loss and sense of loneliness — the death of parents .
23 You should watch out for any fish that may harass all of the other inmates to the point of serious damage ; or for one particular fish being harassed by the rest of its companions to the point of being shoved into a corner .
24 In other words , the system of competitive vote bidding acts like a ratchet encouraging ever more government services at the same time as it penalises a government prepared to take " tough " decisions that may hit particular interests in the short run even though these decisions may work to the advantage of all in the longer run .
25 In one small area in Nigeria , each nest is a cluster of towers and minarets grouped around a central spire that may rise twenty feet high .
26 It would certainly be easier to mitigate the effects of such a drought if long-range forecasting could be made more effective , and although there is as yet no secure basis for the kind of forecasting required , an analysis of the causes of the latest drought offers some hope of explanations that may have predictive value in future .
27 This need to deal with a tricky political environment has often led to managerial centralization of decisions that may have political overtones , and a consensual style of leadership based around committee structures ( e.g. Batstone et al.
28 Morals from this episode that may have some parallels with the test-tube fusion story of 1989 include the delicate balance between the world of science and the media .
29 In clinical practice the sufferer is helped to see that there are other choices , other " pictures " that can be put into the mental library of how life is or could be , and that there is no need to attempt to control one 's life by clinging to a fixed perception of reality that may have some validity for the sufferer but little validity for others .
30 It was the Europeans who cultivated fish that may have satisfied culinary requirements , but at the expense of what some would consider to be the aesthetic qualities of a ‘ typical ’ carp .
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