Example sentences of "that [pron] know the " in BNC.

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1 Not that I know the staff there are n't going to care for them , it 's just me , I have to know myself . ’
2 … those countries which I could not visit in my proper person , I have so attentively read about , that as I turn round a globe I can almost fancy that I know the appearance and characters of the portions of the great world itself which lie mapped out under my eye , and observe all that is going forward on its surface .
3 And clearly anyone from outside Northwest Manchester has got to start looking at the are and doing some research and finding out where the big firms are , who the important people are , etcetera , to make sure that I know the area that I 'm candidate in .
4 Erm but I must say that I know the view of erm both Ray and Cynthia is that they have a lack of management time in relation to the other two divisions , because they do n't have the assistant divisional manager post .
5 ‘ What I mean , my beloved Frenchman , is that I know the truth .
6 I have the clock , so that I know the time , Schedule+ so that I can see my appointments , and Word for Windows for word processing .
7 Now that I know the genetic formula of my insects , I can reproduce them at will , and I can tell the computer to " evolve " towards them from any arbitrary starting point .
8 Now that I know the truth about everything … ’ there was a note of apology in his voice as he said it ‘ …
9 Ensure that you know the location of the bridle mark and are familiar with its movement around the rim of the connecting ring at any stage of adjustment .
10 Check that you know who else is to be present , anticipate what ‘ hidden agendas– they may have and be sure that you know the level of formality .
11 Try and arrange the transfer to coincide with your pay day , so that you know the money has been ‘ committed ’ and that what you are left with is , hopefully , yours to spend as you wish .
12 Let us assume that you want to find a particular book and that you know the title and author .
13 Be sure that you know the name of the previous speaker so that you can say , ‘ Thank you , George , ’ confident that his name is not James .
14 Well I suppose i it means that you know the difference between right and wrong cos we 've only been We 've been talking about it further up have n't we ?
15 ‘ You mean that you know the contents of his will ? ’
16 Even if you 've got a series of slides I recommend that you turn it off between each one so that you know the audience do n't see the things being put into position or moved about because that can be a bit distracting so er it does mean that you 'd obviously need to know where the on off switch is and and this is a nice one because it 's it 's right there .
17 We have made a sound start in 1990 to achieving the degree of co-operation and mutual aid that we know the Government and Public expect to see more in evidence throughout this decade .
18 Besides disagreeing with Descartes about the exact constitution of our idea of mind , Locke also disagreed with the claim that we know the real nature of mind .
19 With so much choice it 's lucky that we know the area so well and can show you all the best things on our trips .
20 The scenes of Jurassic or Cretaceous landscapes in picture books show dinosaurs swarming over the landscape , giving the impression that we know the whole story .
21 It is very rarely that we know the age of a bride .
22 It is all too easy to feel that we know the answer to the problems presented and so precipitously give advice .
23 We are of course aware that educational levels may be important at some stage , but we do not pre-classify in this way because we do not assume beforehand that we know the sociolinguistic structure of the speech community : this is what we are trying to find out !
24 As the records are processed in a sequence that can not be predetermined , we are faced with the problem that we know the key or control number of the record but have no indication of its location in storage .
25 Hence the total differential dXi = 0 and we have the set of equations from which the vj may be found in terms of the spatial coordinates provided that we know the explicit form of .
26 But there is still a great lack of clarity and we are not prepared to pretend that we know the answer , thereby running the risk of causing at least as much damage as we do good .
27 In the , in the current Middle East erm so this pattern certainly applies to Judaism , not to all religions , he 's not saying that all religions have to undergo persecution in order to as it were flourish , but some religions do and perhaps the characteristic Judaism or at least this kind of monotheism is these kind of religions tend to be intolerant and single-mindedly , tend to say that we know the truth , everybody else is wrong and consequently they tend to persecute others and get persecuted and this leads to these periods of suppression , but there 's a tendency for this kind of return of repress just as Mike was saying , his very brilliant analogy he suggested the French Revolution when the students put the barricade up in the same place or so the erm Freud 's idea is that the things that happened in that first traumatic period back in Ancient Egypt and for example erm he said this is why the modern erm Jews insist on circumcision because the Ancient Egyptians did and this is , this is correct .
28 no , because the point is that Labour has not changed it 's course , which is recognizing that at the heart of it 's policies we have to show that we know the world has changed , and we 've got a message to women , which is that we know that you are essential in your role in the family , but we know you 're also essential in the economy ,
29 There is a strand of social theory which says that society is defined by its transgressors , that we know the civilised values that bind us together only through their breach , which we call crime .
30 The annual fee will not now be due until January but it is vital that we know the names of all who wish to participate next year — NOW .
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