Example sentences of "that [pron] know [art] " in BNC.

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1 He felt that everyone knew the story that we 're talking about , the clichés , and that there was n't anything else there .
2 He preferred not to think that everyone knew the artist had painted his best-known work from the window overlooking Dzerjhinsky Square .
3 Write down the communications and feedback necessary to make sure that everyone knows the details of the dance , where they are to meet , etc. , and that everyone knows that the others know .
4 Marketing manager Rob Lucas said : ‘ We are fortunate that everyone knows the brand and it has always been popular , particularly with children . ’
5 The antithesis between the modern-day racing car and the Stone Age circuit was such that I knew every driver was taking his life in his hands in the most ludicrous degree . ’
6 During my time as a gamekeeper it was essential that I knew the precise location of all these extended burrows .
7 Now that I knew the source of Jean-Claude 's black eye and bruises , I felt lighter , and the chasm of distrust that had been opened up between Jean-Claude and myself in the rue de Sèvres , closed with the key Otto had unwittingly provided .
8 Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life .
9 My problem with Smokey is that I know every song backwards and familiarity cuts the excitement quota .
10 And I have also remembered that I know a deputy headmaster in a school in Wales .
11 Not that I know the staff there are n't going to care for them , it 's just me , I have to know myself . ’
12 … those countries which I could not visit in my proper person , I have so attentively read about , that as I turn round a globe I can almost fancy that I know the appearance and characters of the portions of the great world itself which lie mapped out under my eye , and observe all that is going forward on its surface .
13 And clearly anyone from outside Northwest Manchester has got to start looking at the are and doing some research and finding out where the big firms are , who the important people are , etcetera , to make sure that I know the area that I 'm candidate in .
14 Erm but I must say that I know the view of erm both Ray and Cynthia is that they have a lack of management time in relation to the other two divisions , because they do n't have the assistant divisional manager post .
15 ‘ What I mean , my beloved Frenchman , is that I know the truth .
16 I have the clock , so that I know the time , Schedule+ so that I can see my appointments , and Word for Windows for word processing .
17 Now that I know the genetic formula of my insects , I can reproduce them at will , and I can tell the computer to " evolve " towards them from any arbitrary starting point .
18 Now that I know the truth about everything … ’ there was a note of apology in his voice as he said it ‘ …
19 The discovery that someone knows a great deal about the effects of drugs and has strong opinions or whether or not a particular drug or process is or is not addictive is a strong positive indicator of addictive disease .
20 I know for a fact she 's had her eye on my mother 's matinée jacket collection for years and when I once , in passing , said I wondered what happened to those old prosthetic devices in the estates of deceased senior citizens , Madge let it slip that she knew a way of turning a Zimmer frame into an attractive lamp ! ’
21 She lay down again and resolutely set her mind on sleep , with such good effect that she knew no more until a hand on her shoulder woke her .
22 It was entirely our responsibility and that evening to well past midnight Leon and I took her through the changes until she was satisfied that she knew the policy thoroughly .
23 Second , Mary was there of her own right , and the fact that she is mentioned first probably indicates that she knew the family very well .
24 At her trial , Jean Campbell pleaded not guilty by signs and gestures interpreted by Robert Kinniburgh , and went on to show that she knew the difference between right and wrong , was indignant at the imputation of having murdered her child , and that she had a notion of what marriage was by signing the ring on her finger and removing it , and going away .
25 It was the loveliest day imaginable now that she knew the name of Angel 's foster parents .
26 He looked at her and frowned as though he would make a denial and then he saw from her face that she knew the truth .
27 The wife said in evidence that she knew the charge was a security but did not realise it affected her own share in the house .
28 In addition it is clear from the transcript that she , very naturally , attached great importance to the fact that she knew the staff at the unit , had two friends there and , perhaps even more important , had a great bond with a lady who was assisting in her treatment .
29 I 'll take you there and I 'm sure someone will bring you back ’ She did n't want to say she was sure Beuno would bring her back because that would make it evident again that she knew the miserable secrets of Betty 's heart .
30 ‘ Well , if I am , Mrs Hamilton certainly must be , ’ she told him seriously , not wanting either of the doctors to see that she did indeed find the responsibility she was about to take on quite daunting now that she knew the full scope of Faye Hamilton 's problems .
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