Example sentences of "that [adv] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Davies added that she had been present at a phone conversation in December when Doyle had assured one of the players that all $300,000 of the prizemoney was ‘ in the bank . ’
2 In the same month he told a Nuffield conference that his proposals should ensure that only 6% of the workforce were unemployed .
3 A recent opinion poll revealed that only 5% of those questioned thought the existing parties represented their interests .
4 Our finding in the present study that only 5% of sporadic adenomas express detectable levels of p53 protein is clearly in line with the results of these other workers , and the use of three different anti-p53 antibodies including ‘ mutant specific ’ Pab 240 , provides further evidence that the protein detected is a mutant form .
5 Another opinion poll , published in the magazine Cambio 16 , found that only 8% of those questioned were prepared to die for their country .
6 The day previously a town centre poll had revealed that only 50pc of Darlingtonians could name the town 's distinctly high profile MP .
7 Luckham 's survey of public library use , for instance , notes that only 24% of users obtained all their needs from a single public library service point .
8 This is particularly important when you realise that only 30% of West Belfast residents who are currently working actually work in West Belfast .
9 A recent Department of Employment survey found that only 13% of part-timers did such jobs because they could not find full-time work .
10 A National Consumer Council report suggests that only 31% of council and housing associations tenants were satisfied with the way in which their complaints were handled , and that one in six tenants dissatisfied with the service provided by their landlord had not made a complaint at all .
11 This observation is borne out by the Commission s statistical Parish Survey in which it appears that only 43% of Anglican churches have one or more Evensongs with a choir each month ( see Appendix 2.5 ) .
12 A recent survey in Sydney showed that only 3% of the organists in that city are remunerated at a realistic level for the hours and work involved .
13 A review of the training content of junior doctors ' work is long overdue : a recent survey found that only 3% of juniors ' working time was spent on training .
14 The 1851 census recorded of Liverpool that only 45% of those born there would reach the age of twenty .
15 Yates and Davies ( 1987 ) report that only 45% of former Access students who had entered higher education courses in science , technology and engineering were progressing satisfactorily , while Osborne and Woodrow ( 1989 ) in their study of mathematics , science and technology Access courses report success rates of between 56% and 78% for students who had entered higher education .
16 However , it also showed that only 10% of even our better companies were innovative in all areas of business .
17 Most borrowers did not anticipate this ; indeed , a 1989 survey by the Office of Fair Trading shows that only 37% of borrowers gave any thought at all to the likely future movement of interest rates when they took out a loan .
18 It was found that only 37% of those applying gained admission .
19 Lest we seem obsessed with sex , we should point out that only 18% of our respondents ranked it ‘ very ’ important in their lives — with the largest group ( 47% ) putting it at a more discreet ‘ quite ’ important .
20 As for newspapers , a poll by The Times Educational Supplement among its readers showed that only 40% of teachers ‘ always or fairly regularly ’ read The Guardian .
21 At that time the value was agreed at £600 but it was subsequently discovered that only £200 of these spares were of any use .
22 The Liberal Democrats will be depressed to see that only 40pc of Alliance voters in 1987 are now ready to vote for Peter Bergg .
23 Chung found that only 7% of the mispricing signals indicated an underpricing of the future , and he interpreted this as evidence against the presence of a tax timing option ( see Section 5.3.4 ) , which would lead to an increase in the number of underpricings .
24 In the end , Palmerston had to modify the proposal so that only £30,000 for a portion of the site was voted , with £10,000 for necessary repairs to the old buildings .
25 A recent poll showed that only 2% of Germans regarded the United States as a suitable model for their newly united nation — Switzerland topped the pops .
26 A survey by the Confederation of British Industry showed that only 2% of companies had used a factor .
27 A recent RAC survey shows that only 16% of women know what to do if they break down on a motorway .
28 He and colleagues reviewed 70 referral letters from general practitioners and , not surprisingly , found that only 27% of the general practitioners had made the correct diagnosis .
29 It is a mistake to think that only people with hearing loss have difficulty in hearing at meetings .
30 It is an extraordinary assumption that only people with money are articulate councillor , perhaps we should introduce an articulatecy test as a way of getting a council house .
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