Example sentences of "that [adj] [noun pl] must " in BNC.

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1 The biggest conflicts looming over negotiations for a climate treaty , which begins this month , involve the money that rich countries must give to poor ones to enable them to develop with reduced CO 2 emissions .
2 Note here that open-market operations must be conducted in the bond market not the bill market , since selling Treasury bills would merely exchange one liquid asset for another !
3 On a union close to its citizens , the European Council agreed " that specific steps must be taken to increase the transparency in the decision making process of the Community and to reinforce the dialogue with the citizens of Europe on the Maastricht Treaty and its implementation " .
4 RAF fear : The RAF is bracing itself for compulsory redundancies after the news that 2,200 jobs must go .
5 When explaining the change , the society says that administrative costs must be balanced against receipts — a fair comment perhaps in the case of a small charity .
6 Environmental Health rules insist that designated dumps must be covered with at least 4 ’ of soil every night to avoid any danger of interference from animals or seagulls .
7 In fact , closer inspection reveals that further mechanisms must be introduced if the associative structure shown in Fig. 5.10(b) is to generate acquired distinctiveness .
8 Comparing the performance of Scottish companies still locally controlled with those of the 250 largest UK-owned plcs in the relevant sectors shows that Scottish firms must plead guilty to underperformance .
9 Mr Major and Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd will make it clear in the coming days that British forces must have protection — or they will be pulled back to safe areas .
10 She complained that British men must be homosexual not to make a pass at her or look at her legs .
11 We have already discussed these fully in the previous pages , and it remains only for us to point out that contrapuntal forms must be used with an-overall formal design in mind .
12 The public remains sceptical , but those who support the notion of satanic abuse say that social workers must not fall into the trap of believing it does not exist , just because it is difficult to prove .
13 Local authorities were given a duty to appoint sufficient numbers of them , which means that social workers must have relevant training in order to demonstrate their appropriate competence in the mental health field .
14 This does not mean that the old books can provide us with no concrete evidence from the past , but it does mean that old books must be read with delicacy ; with a sense that if we go blundering into them , assuming that they mean what we mean by words like sky , earth , history or nature we shall get everything wrong .
15 There is a sense in which interpretation without conclusion is a mode of ‘ play ’ ; deconstruction insists that philosophical texts must be read as though they were literary texts , with full attention to their ambiguities and irresolutions .
16 This , again , is no declaration of open season ; it points merely to the obvious fact that moral agents must necessarily set the agenda .
17 Hume held that moral distinctions must be revealed to sense , feeling or emotion , not reason , because only emotion can prompt to action as evidently moral thinking does .
18 Whatever the explanation in this case , it is obvious that such claims must be treated with the greatest scepticism .
19 Many of these are , and will be , disputed , but it still seems probable that such collisions must be considered as a regular feature of earth history .
20 This is not to say that such proposals must be accepted at face-value but they should be subjected to specific criticism rather than rejected in toto as merely a device for getting workers to ‘ participate ’ in their own exploitation .
21 That agriculture has to be shown to be necessary for the viability of Article 3(5) areas is stated in the House of Commons ' Agriculture Committee 's 1982 Report which also states that such areas must have a low or declining population , the exact opposite of the view given by MAFF ) .
22 The UKCC has the moral high ground : it can argue that such courses must be funded in order to ensure safe practice and to protect the vulnerable public from nurses or health visitors whose practice is out of date and potentially dangerous .
23 This offence can be considered where a hole appears in the side of the silencer etc. , as some doubt exists whether the gases have passed ‘ through ’ the silencer etc. , if they have passed through half of the silencer , Until there is judicial assistance to say that such gases must pass all the way through a silencer to escape liability under regulation 54(1) , a regulation 54(2) offence may be the safest offence .
24 New legal provisions on sex equality suggest that male nurses must be permitted to act as midwives .
25 The only problem is that the number of treatment combinations resulting is usually considerable so that large blocks must be tolerated or confounding introduced .
26 You suggest that large firms must consider ‘ federation ’ by devolving responsibility to autonomous business units , or even consider break-ups .
27 They point out that three conditions must be met if an issue is to affect the relative standing of the parties at the polls .
28 If in effect , Clasper said that three men must be employed to do two men 's work , then that was it .
29 He and Richard had sensed that Emor had its own self-generated laws of existence , and that these laws must never be broken .
30 I visited the site and Jon explained that these sites must also receive regular frosting as the bracken which tends to dominate the grassland will otherwise choke out the wild gladiolus .
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