Example sentences of "that [noun] had the " in BNC.

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1 We may doubt that Beerbohm had the acumen or the catholicity to respond to this provocation as conclusively as he should .
2 Thunder rolled over and round them from every direction so that Trent had the sense of being in the interior of an enormous drum on which giants beat from all sides .
3 It acknowledged that states had the sovereign right to exploit their own resources ( by implication , therefore , ruling out coercive action to halt the destruction of , for example , the tropical forests ) , but added the rider that they should not do so in a manner which caused damage to the environment of other states .
4 It said that states had the sovereign right to exploit their own resources ( by implication , therefore , ruling out coercive action to halt the destruction of tropical forests ) , but added the rider that they should not do so in a manner which caused damage to the environment of other countries .
5 They were unanimous in finding that McLaren had the rifle and ammunition without a licence .
6 ’ The man gave an address in Manhattan , then the name of his gallery , checking that Kemp had the details right .
7 Alexandra Mutch , of Barnston Road , Thingwall , whose husband was the manager of the ADS team , told the court that Newton had the ball when Mr Hallam knocked his legs from under him .
8 That was all I needed to feel sure that Harvey had the half-dozen eggs that were stolen from me at London Airport .
9 Despite the conflicting accounts it is clear that Richard had the upper hand and that William des Barres lost his valuable war-horse .
10 Sharif 's latest disavowal concerning Pakistan 's nuclear programme came amidst renewed controversy prompted by United States Senator Larry Pressler , who claimed during a visit to the country on Jan. 12-13 that Pakistan had the components for at least two nuclear weapons .
11 Pakistani Foreign Affairs Secretary Shahryar Khan was quoted by the Washington Post of Feb. 7 as saying that Pakistan had the components and expertise to assemble at least one nuclear explosive device .
12 In January Pressler , sponsor of a 1985 law under which the USA had suspended economic and military aid to Pakistan in October 1990 on the grounds that it might have developed nuclear weapons [ see p. 37764 ] , had claimed in January 1992 that Pakistan could manufacture two nuclear weapons [ see p. 38726 ] , anticipating a controversial admission by Pakistan 's Foreign Affairs Secretary , Shahryar Khan , who suggested that Pakistan had the expertise to assemble one nuclear device [ see pp. 38762-63 ] .
13 Exchange control was introduced in 1930 and has been in force ever since , but subject to the provisions of exchange control it was a basic tenet of pre-communist Hungarian law that foreigners had the same rights as Hungarians in all respects ( but for some professions and performing public functions Hungarian citizenship was necessary ) .
14 confirmed that NEC had the matter in hand and would adopt the format required by NVQ .
15 And it was true that Simon had the self-possession of somebody much older : he seemed to have everything worked out .
16 It had long been suggested that Mayer had the sound technician tamper with the soundtrack of Gilbert 's early talkie His Glorious Night to make him sound risible .
17 It will be recalled from discussion of Table 1 , Expenditure on libraries and computing , that Strathclyde had the second lowest expenditure per student on libraries in 1986-87 .
18 But there was no reply , and when Belinda turned from the front passenger seat to look at the artist stretched out in the back , she saw that Faye had the back of her hand pressed against her mouth to stifle her sobs .
19 ‘ What 's lucky is that Harry had the sense to take you with him .
20 This Gentile had professed a faith that no Jew had , believing that Jesus had the authority and power to help .
21 This meant that Virgin had the right to publish his songs , but no rights on Sting himself as a performer : his group , the Police , were signed as recording artists to A&M .
22 When it is also remembered that Belorussia had the lowest literacy rate of all European Russia , the sluggish response of the denizens of the Roslavl' area comes as no surprise .
23 John and Joan Waters had hoped that , once they realised that Derek had the support of other members of his family , they would leave him alone .
24 Following reports in Manchester that the firm had confirmed to Edwards 's satisfaction that Knighton had the £10m to buy his stake and a further £10m to make a formal offer for the rest of the shares , Laing & Cruickshank said : ‘ It is completely untrue that we have given an assurance to anyone .
25 and her voice trailed away , as she simultaneously managed to imply that Brian had the Town Hall in the palm of his hand , and that he had enough money to buy his father a comfortable bungalow in a nice suburb whenever he felt like it .
26 I could n't see it too clearly 'cos it was at the other end of the pitch , but it seemed that Jamie had the ball around the right hand edge of the box and curled it into the top left hand corner .
27 I knew that Bissell had the answers that I really wanted .
28 Shortly before the vote Saddam Hussein had made a speech broadcast by Baghdad radio , asserting that if war came Iraq would fight with a heroism which would fill every Arab and Moslem with pride , and , more specifically , that Iraq had the means to detect US stealth bombers and shoot them down like any other enemy aircraft .
29 A special form of coloured route marker had to be developed and approved and it was in this field , as with TRE , that Bennett had the least of his problems .
30 But perhaps above all it was that his candidature was unreservedly supported by Tawney , who knew him well , which convinced the appointing committee that Jacques had the background experience , commitment and personal qualities required by the District at a particularly difficult point in its existence .
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