Example sentences of "that [vb base] up the " in BNC.

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1 Now artistic intention can be seen more clearly as just one of many often overlapping strands — ideological , economic , social , political — that make up the work of art , whether literary text , painting , or sculpture .
2 Evidence that the SCN are the body clock can be summarized as follow : ( 1 ) Rhythmic electrical activity can be recorded from the nerve cells that make up the SCN and this rhythm has a period of about 24 hours .
3 At 0300 hours on 30 June 1989 , 1st Battalion the Royal Scots found itself deployed into hides , along with the attached tanks , artillery and engineers that make up the Royal Scots battle group .
4 However , 30 June 1989 saw the Battalion deployed on its biennial AMF(L) exercise to Denmark , hard at work alongside the other armies that make up the AMF(L) .
5 Nor is it just the lawns and bungalows and supermarkets of what was once the Canal Zone that make up the fabric of a colonialism with which several European countries have been historically familiar .
6 Mr Kinnock 's preference for his successor to be in place by the end of June proved impossible to meet , as the party 's rules decree that there must be at least 12 weeks in which to consult the three groups that make up the electoral college — MPs , constituency activists and the unions .
7 The aim is to provide a series of acceptable solutions which meet the needs of the various constituencies that make up the organisation .
8 The needle enters this space by passing between two of the lumbar vertebrae ( the lowest of the bones that make up the spine ) after the whole area has been infiltrated with local anaesthetic .
9 Hailed as a kind of dominant world religion , science is a powerful tool some men have used to elevate themselves above other men , women , children , and the plants and animals that make up the world we live in .
10 Although we may perceive these levels as separate , they are in fact interrelated — we can not in reality separate the parts that make up the whole .
11 In this chapter , I shall attempt to separate the parts that make up the whole , then to explore some of the ways in which we may bring about harmony to mind-body-spirit .
12 Generally speaking , the most important rules in society are those that make up the law , with laws decided upon by powerful and influential groups in society .
13 This rectified image was then subsetted to give an area covering the 49 wards that make up the districts of Oadby and Wigston , Leicester , and Charnwood in northern Leicestershire ( Fig. 5.1 ) .
14 Staff work together and are supportive of each other and have been involved in the decision-making process through the various ‘ teams ’ that make up the management of the school .
15 The prominent white clasts are fragments of anorthosites — calcium and aluminium-rich rocks that make up the bulk of the lunar highlands crust and give it the light colour that is visible from Earth .
16 In the week before the stranding several people , mainly fishermen , claimed to have seen whales entering the Wash , perhaps in pursuit of the fish that make up the bulk of their diet .
17 ‘ Let us now consider the various elements , such as rainfall , hail , thunder , heat and cold , snow , sleet , fog , wind and sunshine that make up the weather .
18 Good examples of this are the genes that give rise to the histones ( proteins that make up the chromosomal superstructure ) , the ribosomal RNA , the immunoglobulins and many others .
19 It is obvious that the success of a library service depends on both the quality of the materials that make up the stock and the quality of the staff who administer and promote the service .
20 Are our organs of government too crude to deal with the conflicting claims of the myriad small communities that make up the whole ?
21 Radioactivity exists naturally , emanating from the rocks that make up the Earth 's crust , particularly granite , and also in cosmic rays from space .
22 This key theme crops up repeatedly throughout the book in all the contributions because it is through language that the hidden assumptions that make up the common sense of both theoretical and empirical discussions are revealed .
23 Church & Co has been producing shoes in Northampton since 1873 and here is an excellent opportunity to see the many processes that make up the manufacture of men 's welted shoes .
24 Stomping around the 40-odd screens that make up the playing area , solving puzzles and avoiding the numerous nasties , is as absorbing as you can get for four pounds .
25 In performance mode , each program is treated as a complete effect unit and can be controlled by editing the parameters that make up the program .
26 Rick Bateysifts through the veritable medley of classic influences that make up the latest sepia-tinted offering from Chandler in San Francisco …
27 The traditional elements that make up the perfect day are all here and it 's equally delicious — but careful use of low-fat spreads , skimmed milk and steamed vegetables mean big savings in calories .
28 We have identified them after looking for relatedness along the entire value chain , including both inputs and outputs , that make up the offering .
29 What are the threads that make up the pattern of your life ?
30 This lies behind the very large number of habitual activities that make up the routines of ordinary day-to-day life .
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