Example sentences of "that [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These findings suggest that axonal electrical activity normally controls the production and/or release of the growth factors that are responsible for proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and thereby helps to control the number of oligodendrocytes that develop in the region .
2 The stability of the enterprise conditions of calculation that develop in the East Asian example has not been productive of the formation of high-risk entrepreneurial behaviour as firms launch into speculative and unrelated lines of business .
3 Gallstones are lumps that develop in the gall bladder when the chemical balance of the bile is upset — and women are two or three times more likely to have them than men are .
4 Originating in Scandinavian mythology , elves are capricious sprites that dance on the grass , or sit in the leaves of trees and bask in the light of the full moon .
5 At the same time that this mischief is done , the wood itself is ( timber excepted ) but of a miserable account , as any one may suppose , when he is informed , that these shaws have a fence only on one side , and consequently are exposed to be eaten by the cattle that graze in the fields ; hence there is an imperfect system of wood , an injured one of corn , and wretched fences ; by aiming at too much , nothing arrives at perfection .
6 There is a freshness and enthusiasm that communicate with the listener and the recording , too , is eminently acceptable .
7 Nerves that communicate with the use of acetylcholine are said to be cholinergic and are found in the peripheral and central nervous systems .
8 Whatever the rapture of first love and the obsessiveness of courtship ( sweet old fashioned word ) and marriage , it is a class act which can retain that rapture through the rigours of parenthood , child care and mortgage repayment .
9 And both these books pale before novels that contend for the mantle of Disraeli : those of Jeffrey Archer himself .
10 But what is less often pointed out is that Anselm in The Proslogion also defines God as ‘ greater than can be thought to exist ’ .
11 Laing wandered aimlessly through the narrow streets and hidden courtyards that hide between the roaring traffic of the City of London , the capital 's most ancient square mile and centre of the country 's commercial and banking world .
12 Businesses that qualify for the relief include those of market makers on The Stock Exchange , but no other businesses dealing in securities , stocks or shares .
13 Investment can only be in companies or funds that qualify under the BES rules .
14 In one of these movements , the duet and chorus ‘ Hymen , appear ! ’ towards the end of Act 5 , he began by writing out only the chorus soprano part and the two solo soprano parts that alternate with the chorus .
15 During night missions inside Iraq , the laser shines from the belly of the bomber , and is kept on target by the pilot or the weapons officer , with the help of electronics that compensate for the aircraft 's movements .
16 ‘ The states that make up the contemporary Middle East are like beads on the ‘ masbaha ’ , or worry beads , so common in the region .
17 ‘ Roads , park , dispensary , institute , and so on — a hundred and twenty thousand pounds ; repairs and upkeep , recurring , four thousand … ’ and so on through all the elements that make for the running of a town , ending with the caution that it was ‘ all very round-figurey . ’
18 The , the back of the calendar card , the notes that make on the back of the calendar card , will be in sequential order , presumably .
19 The different playing philosophies that account for the North-South divide are emphasised by the views of two of the most successful coaches or recent times — Australia 's Bob Dwyer and Ian McGeechan of Scotland and the British Lions .
20 Although yeast bHLH proteins that bind to the same DNA sequence as Myc and Max have been described , they are unlikely to play a significant role in our experiments .
21 The transcription proteins that bind to the octameric DNA sequence ATGCAAAT ( or its complement ATTTGCAT ) are called Oct factors .
22 Most experimental evidence suggests that Jun or Fos containing factors that bind to the X-box are required for the activation of MHC class II promoters ( 26,28–30 ) , although a negative role was suggested for the Jun/Fos heterodimer ( 27 ) .
23 Although countries like Mexico , Chile and Brazil have budding film industries , the products of which are now reaching the industrialised world , it is still North American and European films that predominate in the cinemas of Mexico City , Santiago and São Paulo .
24 The crimps had been used to hold in position the three small swivels that connect to the hook lengths .
25 They come out to feed on the insects and other invertebrates that swarm on the soft oozy surface of the mud .
26 Unlike the single line delta with its articulating leading edges that pivot about the cross-spar joint , the second generation stunters with cross-spars fore and aft introduced the rigid frame.As the spine retained the sail on the neutral datum centreline , the sail pattern was made larger than the actual frame plan in order to obtain the conical camber which is the characteristic of the Rogallo design .
27 There are also a few experiments in Earth geometry that gain from the rapid transfer of data between distant schools .
28 There is clearly now an urgent need for a Historic Stations Trust to remove those treasures that remain beyond the reach of the hammers of the destroyers , both official and unofficial , so that at least part of this precious heritage may be handed down to future generations .
29 The Muslim organisations that remain outside the fold , such as Muhammadiyah , an NU group with modernist ideas , dare not dabble in politics .
30 ( c ) The ruined huts are all that remain of the old crofting settlement of Borreraig , an extreme example of the eviction of crofting communities in the 19th century .
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