Example sentences of "that [vb base] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The tadpoles that develop from them are complete with mouths and external gills and they feed within the oviduct on tiny white flakes secreted from its walls , nibbling them just as though they were independent creatures browsing in a tiny pond .
2 It is a love which redeems sinful people , not by saying : ‘ We 'll let bygones be bygones ’ , but by saying : ‘ I 'll bear that load for you ; you wo n't need it again . ’
3 At the Middle English stage , the description of divergence is still very salient ( partly because the states attested in writing are unquestionably divergent states ) , but we also begin to notice attempts to launder the data retrospectively in such a way as to focus on those features that lead to modern ‘ standard ’ English and to ignore , reject or explain away those features that deviate from it .
4 So each neuron responds to a particular pattern of activity in the cells that connect to it , and when this pattern occurs it signals the news to a group of cells lying in another part of the brain .
5 ‘ The few years that remain to me ?
6 He reads the texts that remain to us from sixth century Greece as evidence of ‘ a more thoroughgoing individual challenge to the orthodox cultural tradition … than occurred elsewhere ’ ( ibid . ) .
7 However , as you know , you must be very , very careful with the few years that remain to you . ’
8 It 's one like that except a lot smaller with little red berries that grow off it in the spring .
9 I make no apology for repeating the fact that a farmer 's living comes from the soil and the crops and livestock that grow on it ; and not from buildings , machinery , and equipment .
10 A lot of them do n't like all that countryside or the things that grow in it .
11 Other animals living today are , in some sense , failed evolutionary experiments that approximate to us but do not reach the right level .
12 The duty of a Christian was ‘ to cling to the Creed of the Apostles , and in all other things [ make ] an honest endeavour to find out what truths we can , and [ allow ] a charitable and mutual permission to others that disagree from us and our opinions ’ .
13 Everyone , I think , is vulnerable to the guest , or guests that descend upon you from time to time .
14 The airlines that fly between them were hit much less severely than American and European rivals by the slump in air travel during the Gulf war and they are bouncing back more quickly .
15 If Mola got there first , not only would he snatch that honour from him , but it might also mean the end of the war and his return to the relative anonymity of normal army routine .
16 I just think it 's important that say at they have one reference point
17 At any energy there will be at least one closed orbit , and this orbit is said to parent the family of non-closed orbits that librate around it .
18 unc They are clearly equivalent , even though there is no one-to-one matching between the pairs of expressions that appear in them .
19 This does not mean merely showing that two parts of the descriptive apparatus march in step with one another ; the explanation here is a matter of showing that the facts in question are natural consequences of interaction between the meanings of the syntactic constructions as constructions , and the lexical meaning of the individual items that appear in them .
20 It includes the presence of other animals that may be predators or competitors for food , animals of other species that may communicate with it in finding food or raising an alarm , and individuals of its own species that interact with it in many ways , competitively , nepotistically , and in co-operation .
21 Many operators are now building power stations outside the areas that object to them , and importing the power .
22 His head was throbbing and his body was a bruise radiating from a single abscess of pain that cut through him at every step .
23 One kind produces reproductive cells ; another absorbs sustenance from captured prey ; another , heavily armed with particularly virulent stinging cells , trails behind the colony for up to fifty metres , paralysing fish that blunder into it .
24 The great pressure of the overlying sediments and the mineral-rich solutions that circulate through them cause chemical changes in the calcium phosphate of the bones .
25 Cornelius 's smile , reaching Harry across the grey pool of light that spread between them , glistened like the fly on a fisherman 's line .
26 Then she licked his face , washed away some of the dirt and blood that spread across it , cooled the swelling round his eyes and cheeks .
27 For him , at that time and in that position , everything that could be seen between the distant boundaries of blue hill and black mountain , everything that spread below him under a fathomless heaven , was resonant with new meaning , new speech , new glory .
28 We look for signs that speak to us of character — good or bad .
29 Look for the textbooks that speak to you in clear terms .
30 Furthermore , there are several empirical results ( some provided by Lubow and Moore ( 1959 ) themselves ) that speak against it .
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