Example sentences of "that [noun prp] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The verdict was that Horsley had about as clean a bill of health as it was possible for a real , live capitalist to have .
2 On the other hand , he points out that Devlin had in fact answered the question in the affirmative , and had justified this response by suggesting that , just as society can take steps to preserve itself against acts of treason , then so it may protect itself from attacks on established morality , for this too can threaten society 's existence .
3 Subsequently , the owner claimed damages from Veitchi , claiming that Veitchi had through their negligence laid the floor badly .
4 Were these the woods , I wondered , that Kingsley had in mind when he wrote of Tom 's escape from Ellie 's little white bedroom ?
5 The dust allergy means that Will has to be bedded on paper , and his hay always has to be soaked .
6 Zak cursed and said that Pierre had in fact been going to knock Raoul to the ground at a slightly later rime , and now that would have to be changed .
7 She wished that Fernando had in fact made fiery , passionate and glorious love to her on that blanket , because at least her body would have been sated and that would have been something at the very least .
8 Little did he know then , but he had thrown away probably the last good chance that Germany had of winning the war .
9 For much of the broadcast he was answering questions put by two interviewers , but as it was drawing to a close he suddenly began reading from a prepared text , declaring : " I warned in 1987 that Gorbachev has in his character an aspiration for absolute personal power .
10 It seems that David had at first great difficulty in making his way with the public , and was several times unsuccessful in his efforts after fame .
11 These appear to be the assumptions that Musgrave had in mind : ‘ that the size distribution of income originating in various industries is the same [ or ] there is a random relationship between the distributional origin of expenditures on any particular product and the distributional destination of factor payments ’ ( Musgrave , et al. , 1964 , p. 201 ) .
12 Press reports noted that Mugabe had during the March 1990 general election campaign promised public-sector pay increases and salary restructuring , but that senior staff had been the main beneficiaries .
13 He was reported to have said that Pakistan had in 1991 frozen production of highly enriched uranium , meeting one of the US demands , but would only destroy its weapons cores if India did the same .
14 The notion that Freud has of the sexual instincts is not primarily about reproduction , however , but the generalized capacity of the human organism to find erotic satisfaction from any part of the body being caressed or stimulated , quite apart from the act of reproduction .
15 It is not appropriate here to analyse , nor even to state , the many reasons for this difficulty , but after scrutinising the research findings I have to say that LEAs have on the whole not seen the implications of the 1981 Act for social services departments or district health authorities .
16 Via other programs , it is also possible to implement fax and modem sharing , a facility that Mainlan has in common with most other P2P network systems .
17 The assurance followed the disclosure on Jan. 21 that Kazakhstan had in December 1991 test-fired a multi-warhead ICBM in violation of the START .
18 Does this mean therefore that RMI has to be a massive concentrated effort to bring everything on-stream at the same time ?
19 IBM and the relevant Japanese ministry could argue that IBM had in practice earned ‘ domestic ’ status .
20 When Christopher Steffen , reportedly a slash and burn merchant when it comes to cutting costs and staff , quit Eastman Kodak Co on Wednesday after just seven weeks in the job of chief financial officer of Eastman Kodak Co , saying that the team was agreed on the objectives , but had irreconcilable differences on how to get from here to there , IBM Corp shares jumped for joy in anticipation that he was about to be named finance chief — but the joy subsided and so did the share price , off 87.5 cents at $49 when nothing happened yesterday ; word out of IBM is that there is an appointment already to be announced , but unless the fact that Steffen is now at a loose end causes a last-minute re-think , he is not the man that IBM has in mind .
21 The G-3 Presidents , in their final communiqué , emphasized that Cuba had to be completely re-integrated into Latin America .
22 One great advantage that Scotland has over New Zealand is that nearly every small town and village is rich in history .
23 Although foreign loans had been banned , reports indicated that Albania had about US$30,000,000 in short-term debt and $25,000,000 in long-term debt which would fall due over the next 13 years .
24 In 1981 NORP was taken over by the Bangladeshi Government , so that the funding that NORP had until then received directly from UNICEF was now channelled through the Government .
25 That meant that Duncan had to be six seconds ahead of the plane , applying power before he needed it .
26 He unites us to Christ , he gives life , he renews us , he calls us to serve I think these are all variations on the theme that Mr has in mind , and so I would resist this and hope the assembly will .
27 It is ironic both that the new architecture of the masses should eventually have ended the dominance of great houses , and that more ordinary men and women should have become protagonists in the novel , for these were not the developments , either in life or in art , that Disraeli had in mind .
28 He also denied that China had in the past " advocated , encouraged or engaged in the proliferation of nuclear weapons " and promised that China would seek to help prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and work for nuclear disarmament .
29 Over these next few weeks I 'd like us to be looking at some of the interviews that Jesus had with various characters , sometimes with an individual , sometimes with a small group of people , and just to see some of the things that we can learn from them .
30 Hebrews 2 contains a fascinating idea that Jesus had to be made human in order to overcome death for us ; that is to say , he pioneered our way through the deep waters of death .
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