Example sentences of "that [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The majority of the budget consisted of relatively uncontrollable expenditure ; uncontrollable in the sense of outlays for entitlement programmes , such as social security and unemployment benefits , and outlays that arose from previous electoral obligations .
2 A third source derived from Scandinavia where in 1935 F. Hjulstrøm published the results of field and laboratory investigations related to the River Fyris and identified relationships between stream velocity , particle size and the processes of erosion , transport and deposition that became of fundamental significance in sedimentology as well as in studies of geomorphologic processes .
3 An important distinction is that made between retail and wholesale deposits and loans .
4 There was a warmth and a charm about him that made for easy relations with most people , even the press , and they helped him build up the confidence that was needed all round .
5 Fiegehen and Reddaway concluded : ‘ it is clear that , in total , any disincentive effects that operated on senior managers had a minimal impact on the activities of British industry ’ .
6 These countries could trade with Britain without being subject to the import duties and restrictions that applied to other countries and British capital could be invested in Sterling Area countries without restriction .
7 We therefore have to know : what sort of presence could there be of a God to whom there applied none of the limitations that applied to finite human existence ?
8 They agreed to extract oil quickly , but argued they would not be able to do so if hindered by trifling safety regulations that applied to on-shore industries .
9 Afraid Julius might be coming after her , she ran down the steps and into the garden , following the paths that led between wide beds of herbaceous flowers , many of them still blooming happily in the warmth of the long , sunny autumn .
10 The health connection was the motivation for the research that led to keen medical interest and the endorsement of the benefits of dietary fibre .
11 farther to the north-east , in Taimyr , it was the influx of Evenkis and Yakuts into land inhabited by Tavgi Samoeds that led to complex ethnic mixing and the emergence of the new nationality known as Dolgans .
12 It was largely the desire to create a diversion away from Flanders for Marlborough and his triumphant armies that led to new plans for a Jacobite invasion of the British Isles .
13 Evolutionism played only a minor role because it was associated with the old , rather amateurish techniques that led to unlimited speculation .
14 Defant and Drummond proposed that these suites form where young ( 25Myr ) , hot oceanic lithosphere is subducted and melts , thus locally simulating the conditions that led to widespread crustal growth in the Archaean .
15 The capital accounts were dominated by the loan to the government , which was increased by a further £1m. in the 1740s , and it was the decline in interest paid on the government bonds rather than a fall in trading profits that led to declining dividends .
16 There was a project that led to considerable extra expenditure in primary schools which was closely steered into the dogmatic application of a version of teaching methods and which had harmful consequences in schools .
17 It was this suspicion that led to American intervention in the Republic of Guatemala in 1954 , and the establishment of a pro-American regime there ( p. 140 ) .
18 Typically , the changes discussed include such examples as the lengthening and backing process that led to ‘ broad ’ [ a ] in the RP class of dance , path and the rounding after [ w ] that led in mainstream accents to present-day wasp , swan ( many British English dialects do not have either the ‘ broad ’ [ a ] or rounding after [ w ] ) .
19 There is one fundamental difference , however , between the material which is produced within a business and that produced for external consumption .
20 If the people of Leeds want a Labour Government to be returned to power , they can be sure that property in Leeds , particularly that sought by young people , will have devastatingly raised valuations .
21 Gasping at the totally unexpected movement , and the searing shock of his touch , Polly stared up into eyes that gleamed with cold fire .
22 Raking the comb through cropped curls that gleamed like polished mahogany , Polly tried to stifle her doubts and the nagging feeling that somehow she should have known there would be strings attached to Clive 's offer no matter how much he protested otherwise .
23 This has been proved in several places : in some arctic localities it is found with trilobites that lived at great depths in the muds of the Ordovician ocean , while in Canada the same species occurs mixed with the inhabitants of the shallow-water seas , where limestones were accumulating .
24 There is no classical explanation for the slowing down ; however , the rate of energy loss is exactly that expected via gravitational radiation .
25 The Horizon Company itself has an interesting history , being a firm that got into financial difficulties as Horizon Midland in the mid-1970s .
26 It was in an adult education college where the long corridors were lined with notice-boards and lists that fluttered like dead leaves as he walked past .
27 Table 5 shows the percentage of respondents that agreed with particular statements about solicitors .
28 We rented a tawny triangle of a house that smelled of sweet musty oak and Coppertone suntan oil and Bordeaux biscuits .
29 He could see by the dark light that came down from the night sky , a sky that glowed with vivid city lights , that on stands in nearby cages other eagles were listening to his story and staring at him silently .
30 How can the Government conceivably justify the untruth of claiming that they are maintaining an aid programme when , according to their own figures , they have halved that provided by Labour ?
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