Example sentences of "that [pers pn] have the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm as open minded and honest about my dogs as any dog owner , so let me tell you that I have the most beautiful , most gentle , most serious and most feminine Golden Retriever that ever lived .
2 I tell them that I have the heart of a small boy and I keep it in a jar on my desk ’
3 Elizabeth 's famous Armada speech — ‘ I know that I have the body of a weak and feeble woman , but I have the heart of a king and a king of England too ’ — and Mary 's much-quoted desire to live the life of a soldier , wearing a Glasgow buckler and sleeping under the stars , are testimony to one ( it is perhaps worth adding that the context for Elizabeth was fighting Spain , for Mary fighting her half-brother ) .
4 It is my modest belief that I have the answer .
5 I warrant that I have the unfettered right to authorise the publication of the Work ; that my own and any co-authors ' contributions to the Work are original and contain no libellous defamatory obscene or otherwise unlawful or misleading matter and that all statements therein purporting to be facts are true .
6 Let us imagine that I have the misfortune to be born or to have settled in Portugal ; being an enlightened philosopher I dislike the institutions there ; should I try to change them by political subversion ?
7 In 1988 , he complained , ‘ I must say that I have the impression that there is a certain mentality with some activists .
8 ‘ Let me warn ministers , in case they try another way of wriggling out of it , that I have the documents .
9 As far as I am concerned the desire to win , the fear and hatred of losing , is increased immensely by the knowledge that I have the maple leaf on my jersey .
10 ‘ You are reminded that I have the backing of the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council .
11 Moreover , it would appear that the difference is that the latter sentence expresses my belief that I have the belief that it is raining , and says that I have the belief that it is raining , and does not express the belief that it is raining or say that it is raining .
12 Moreover , it would appear that the difference is that the latter sentence expresses my belief that I have the belief that it is raining , and says that I have the belief that it is raining , and does not express the belief that it is raining or say that it is raining .
13 ( perhaps one should say that as such a psychological statement it would express my awareness that I have the belief rather than my belief that I have the belief , since belief is not quite the right word in this context , but let us leave such qualifications to be understood . )
14 ( perhaps one should say that as such a psychological statement it would express my awareness that I have the belief rather than my belief that I have the belief , since belief is not quite the right word in this context , but let us leave such qualifications to be understood . )
15 It the statement is taken in this way , a hearer should assent to it only if he believes that I have the belief .
16 You say that I have the endurance — you say it in order to give me strength .
17 Please let me say , Helen , that I have the very greatest affection and respect for you .
18 I mean a real belief that I have the word ‘ tiger ’ or ‘ leopard ’ or whatever .
19 Why is it , then , that I have the impression you each perceive something here that I have overlooked ? ’
20 Dick , thank you for those kind words , er , specially about er my book , and I think I am considering appointing you as my agent er , you also said er that I 'd dr drawn the short straw indeed you er whispered to me that I was the sacrificial lamb this morning well we 'll see about that but I do know that I have the great honour to be invited to speak to congress this morning on behalf of the G M B parliamentary group .
21 Of course she knew that Silas had inherited this property , but what she had n't realised was that I have the right to live in the house for my lifetime , or until I happen to marry again .
22 This is a point that I have made often in the House and on which I think that I have the support of the Adam Smith Institute which I hope will also be supported by many Conservative Members .
23 It was n't that my shoulders are broader than anyone else 's or that I have the most understanding nature in the world .
24 Another area that I have the plug .
25 It does n't seem to me sensible that I have the masters of the quality manual , master lists of procedure holders and so on because
26 ‘ Nothing would do but that she have the honour of meeting you , signorina , despite my best efforts to convince her otherwise . ’
27 It 's for your protection , so that you have the union behind you if Mellowes kicks up a stink .
28 But you can take it as read that you have the contract . ’
29 Through our experience and knowledge derived from sales in the area we are able to ensure that you have the greatest chance of selling at the highest figure .
30 Check that you have the right information and equipment .
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