Example sentences of "that [pers pn] came up " in BNC.

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1 It was only later that I came up with a theory for his reticence to stop and speak .
2 My idea — I admit that I came up with it only this morning — is that the entire transaction involving the definition of the terms of reference for the study for the consultants should then become public property and not an enclosed relationship with the promoters .
3 I can if you want , it 's just that I came up with a few things that did n't make sense , they were fairly contradictory things .
4 No , she said that she came up and asked you if you wan na go out with Emma
5 We trust that you came up with some workable proposals .
6 If we overlay the model that we came up with …
7 It is not easy to decide how best to tackle these questions , and the difficulties that we came up against in discussing the problem of individuation of particulars partly explain why .
8 It 's given me loads of ideas , Luke — especially that ‘ office plant-care ’ thing that we came up with .
9 So if if the cadres had taken the law and 's speech there should n't 've been the sorts of problems that , that we came up against .
10 It was not I suppose for anything other than the Flow that they came up as far as Orkney .
11 Er , however erm because of the concern about er the overall cost of the programme and the production cost in nineteen ninety two , we required er the companies to undertake studies into ways of reducing the programme cost and it was as a result of those studies , that they came up with a list of potential savings er which in the U K case er could knock fourteen percent off the price that they had quoted in April ninety two .
12 Now the sorts of laws that they came up with were things like the law of proximity , the law of similarity , the law of common fate , good continuation and closure .
13 It was only in 1946 that he came up with a practical scheme for using the manyattas for higher purposes .
14 And that was an alternative that he came up with for the erm er for the front cover .
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