Example sentences of "that [adv] as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 as I said earlier erm I suggested to them that perhaps as they went out so much perhaps one the company would do it , they sounded quite enthusiastic
2 ‘ What happens is that just as they are about to speak , they take a quick breath , ’ explains Angela Caine .
3 We 've already seen that just as we have different tastes , so we all have different sensitivities .
4 And it is ironic that just as we are beginning to turn to it for answers to environmental questions , it has begun aspiring to Western ways .
5 Lord Morris said that just as it was for Parliament to lay down the procedures to be followed for the passing of legislation , so it was for Parliament to determine whether these procedures had been followed .
6 It suddenly occurred to me that just as I wanted the boys to dress according to Western ideas when they were in London , so the Sheikha and Sheikha Grandmother would like me to dress according to their ideas of fashion when I was with them .
7 He replied politely that just as he studied the whereabouts of bones and tendons and muscles so as to know more about the figures he tried to draw , in the same way — if he was attempting a portrait — it helped to know something about the working of people 's minds and how their characters had been formed .
8 Bukharin argued that just as there is a period of political disintegration , so too will there be a period of technical and productive collapse .
9 Our data show that just as there is functional heterogeneity in the periphery , there is heterogeneity of intermitotic time ( lifespan ) .
10 Foucault argues that just as there can be no general theory of history , but only particular answers to particular questions which make individual practices intelligible , so the intellectual can best hope to be specific rather than universal ( universal in the sense of proposing transcendent values , systems , totalities , narratives or teleologies ) .
11 So many that , er yeah , so many of them that soon as one 's sold somebody else sells another one .
12 Here children like her and others are studying for ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels knowing that soon as they leave school they go right on the dole .
13 She would inevitably interpret it as some kind of macho statement about the fact that even as he entertained one woman in his flat , another was on her way upstairs with … what on her mind ?
14 It is true that even as he complained and tried to protect the British position , so he could sometimes admit to the desirability of American support .
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