Example sentences of "that [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 It is true that right at the end , in October 1097 , when Anselm was on the point of leaving England , Eadmer reports him as saying to the Canterbury monks : ‘ I go willingly , trusting in God 's mercy that my journey will do something for the liberty of the Church in future times . ’
2 my Lord in a , in a sense that right at the very last page when they say a notified articles association , rules and regulations in there amended form no longer contain any clauses which constitute appreciable restrictions
3 I had n't bothered with landing lights and I was n't sure , any longer , where I was I only knew I had to keep climbing and that somewhere at the top was relief and safety .
4 Nothing is known about the first 7 years of this person 's life , and whilst only scattered information exists about the middle span , we know that only at the age 42 did the Earth begin to flower .
5 If you can find a stake that long at the garden centre , it will probably be painted green , with perhaps a black painted end for the ground — do n't be deceived .
6 Not at the time no it did n't it bothered me when it was done because I thought you 've probably done something and the outcome would be that so at the time it did n't bother me because I was n't interested in the situation
7 Provided that Ali 's analysis of Hacihasanzade 's motives is correct-and one must remember that Ali is writing nearly a century after the event it would appear that already at the beginning of the sixteenth century the career of a kasabat kadi was regarded as a dead end .
8 But when we talked about ‘ The House ’ — that was what we called it , there was never a name — we could imagine that just at the top of the stairs would be the Great Kitchen with its rows of gleaming copper pans hung up next to pheasants and hams and bunches of strange herbs — and through the kitchen window we 'd be able to see the long lawns of the garden where stone lions crouched with their heads between their paws and real peacocks screeched up at peacock shapes clipped out of hedges …
9 It is interesting to observe that just at the point when the old sources of clerical recruitment , the married clergy , were taking to celibacy , the supply of clergy did not dry up , it multiplied exceedingly .
10 It should come as no surprise that just at the time when manufacturers were becoming cautious in their claims about what their creams could do , a pharmaceutical superstar in the form of Retin-A burst into the firmament .
11 Oh what 's that one Bare Naked Ladies , I 'd better not play that just at the moment oh what 's this one oh Billy Joel so so I 'd better take that out you I 'm always tempted to forget what I 've actually played and what I 'm not going to play .
12 Need that just at the minute .
13 The girls declined their gentlemanly offer to allow them over first , realising that once at the top , the boys would have a beautiful view of their unmentionables .
14 It is worth recalling that even at the height of Britain 's imperial power we rarely tried to go it alone .
15 Exhaustive computer simulations done in the US show that even at the present prices for fuel , conventional sailing ships are only marginally competitive when all is counted .
16 Darwinism destroys the presumption that a separate organism functions primarily to preserve itself ( as do simpler homeostatic systems which do not reproduce ) ; it shows me that even at the biological level my spontaneity only secondarily and partially serves myself , and invites the reflection that behaving consistently to my own advantage became conceivable only with the clarification of my viewpoint in contrast with others , which in turn implies that I have been assuming other viewpoints from the beginning of self-consciousness .
17 On contemporary art sales undoubtedly enduring a difficult period at present he noted that even at the highest point of the market , revenue had not amounted to more than about 20% of the house 's total sales .
18 What those figures certainly reveal is that the real gains in investment in British business since 1979 have been sustained , so that even at the depth of this present recession investment is 40 per cent .
19 Who would have thought that even at the beginning of this century the poet felt the need for time to stand still .
20 ‘ I admit I am not playing that well at the moment but I do n't think either Dewi Morris or Steve Bates are pulling up trees either .
21 I was just thinking that maybe at the beginning of the day people could , if she knows who is due she could actually write that in , and when they came she could just tick that that they 'd arrived .
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