Example sentences of "that [art] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now he was into jazz because he 'd heard that the Yuppies had hijacked it after Clint Eastwood 's film on Charlie Parker , and had moved back a decade to the late ‘ forties .
2 In some departments , noticeably the music departments , there was evident relief that the restrictions caused by the previous ‘ O ’ level system had been eradicated , and that at long last an examination had been introduced that corresponded more closely to the actual nature of their subject .
3 ( No. 2 ) , the facts of which have already been summarised , and in which it was held that the restrictions imposed on the bringing of a direct civil action for breach of a statute could not be outflanked by framing the claim as one for the tort of unlawful interference with trade .
4 The result of the test was that the restrictions imposed by the rational expectations hypothesis on the β i coefficients could not be rejected .
5 Several US journalists decided to sue the US government for infringing their liberties , claiming that the restrictions reflected more the military 's belief that free reporting during the Vietnam war had turned US citizens against the war , than concern for security .
6 Although the test is intended to delineate specific abilities and disabilities in children so that remediation may be undertaken , it is clear that the restrictions placed upon selection of the standardisation sample limits the value of the standardised scores for the purpose of comparison ( Weener et al .
7 Amnesty International believes that the restrictions placed on prisoners of conscience doing compulsory labour are analogous to imprisonment and therefore urges that they be immediately and unconditionally released .
8 It is essential that the restrictions placed on different classes of shares in a company are fully considered since these can have a material affect on the valuation method and result .
9 In their judgement the court held that the restrictions implied in the agreement were not contrary to the public interest , that abrogation of the agreement would lead to booksellers being undercut by multiple retail traders and large library suppliers , and that many stockholding booksellers , notably the specialists , would be driven out of business .
10 The agreements in any case regulate only style and media , not the amount of advertising , and there is no evidence that the restrictions have limited its effectiveness .
11 It was also generally agreed that the restrictions obscured the extent of the bombing campaign and the destruction in Iraq in the first weeks of the war .
12 Responding to the charge that the restrictions attached to oil sales violated Iraqi sovereignty , the United States permanent representative at the UN , Thomas Pickering , said that they had been included to " prevent [ food and medicines being diverted ] to the Iraqi privileged classes as has happened in the past " .
13 As regards intent , the United Kingdom Government had never concealed the fact that the restrictions introduced by the Act of 1988 were intended to exclude Spanish interests from the United Kingdom fishing industry .
14 After the initial courtesies , he stated that the Pacific represented a primary line of defence for the United States .
15 The court decided that victims of art thefts should be protected against the usual requirement in civil cases that the owner must make some effort to recover stolen goods within three years ; it ruled that the clock does not start ticking for the statute of limitations until the victim locates the stolen artworks and asks for their return .
16 What apparently made all the difference to the price was that the clock came from a historic house , Cassiobury Park , and that it is illustrated in an important book on the craftsman — Thomas Tompion , His Life and Work by R W Symonds .
17 Dali stilt now that the clock has melted
18 Since these results are obtained in animals that have been living in a normal environment , they mean that the clock originates , at least in these animals , from an abnormal ‘ internal ’ structure , the chromosome .
19 So subdued that the clock striking four in the dovecot could have drowned it , probably did , because he did not answer her ‘ Do n't go , Leon , ’ did not say a word .
20 It is not my intention to argue that the strategies identified here are necessarily exhaustive of those that pertain in other units .
21 In order therefore to ensure that the investors qualify not only for a deduction of premium , but also to receive the proceeds of any claim under the policy , there must be a provision obliging Newco to pay the proceeds of any claim by way of dividend .
22 Although Mr Hornsby was quick to stress that the investors have held a dialogue with the Revenue and have nothing to hide , he admitted that they got ‘ very upset ’ when letters from the Revenue began arriving .
23 In this context it is essential that the buyer retains the initiative , to end up with the products , materials and levels of service needed by the organisation and not those which the supplier wishes to provide .
24 Now , suppose that the buyer had agreed to pay £2,000 ( for the goods , a load of timber ) and had actually paid the £2,000 but that the contract reserved title to the seller until the buyer had satisfied all his liabilities towards the seller ( i.e. under not only this contract but also any other contracts there might be between them ) .
25 In Couturier v. Hastie , the House of Lords said it was a matter of construing the contract and it was only after doing so , that their Lordships held that the buyer had not agreed to buy a spes and that the contract was therefore void .
26 MacKenna J. held that there was an implied term that in such a case the seller was not completely excused from all performance but that the buyer had the option of accepting delivery of the reduced quantity , at a pro rata price .
27 It was held that the buyer had acted within his rights .
28 Now suppose that the buyer commits a wrongful anticipatory repudiation of the contract and the seller immediately accepts that repudiation as terminating the contract and sues for damages .
29 What actually happened was that the buyer became suspicious and decided to check out the competition .
30 Apart from noting omissions in the documents provided , it may be that the buyer requires the draft contract to be amended .
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