Example sentences of "that [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 It is a fact that for a time last year , there were no statements at all being issued about Northern Ireland by the Labour Party headquarters .
2 These changes show how financial pressures brought about the collapse of the early Roman coinage system ; so much so that it seems that for a time the Roman state had to fight the war on credit given by some of its citizens .
3 Although in the sixth century the Byzantine Emperor Justinian 's great generals Belisarius and Narses succeeded in reconquering much of the west , so that for a time the Mediterranean again became a Roman lake , in the following century Europe faced a dangerous new enemy .
4 At the same time , in political terms , Costa Rica has been drawn much more closely into the US sphere of influence during the 1980s , moving away from the neutral stance it previously took , so that for a time it was one of the host countries for the US-backed Nicaraguan Contras .
5 Li Yuan stood at the rail , looking out across the darkness of the lake , his sense of ease , of inner stillness , lulling him so that for a time he seemed aware only of the dull murmur of the voices behind him and the soft lapping of the water against the wooden posts of the jetty .
6 Relations between Modi and Madame Hébuterne became so strained , with Jeanne refusing to give him up and Madame cursing him and his art , that after a time he moved away to stay in the Hôtel Tarelli , 5 Rue de France .
7 Some may find it surprising nevertheless that in a time of cut-backs in state spending , thousands of millions of pounds have been spent on youth training since 1981 .
8 IT IS IRONIC that at a time when the shares of motor traders are dropping like stones , the price at which dealerships change hands has remained steady .
9 Do you think that at a time like this I am afraid of words ? … if he dies tonight there will always be a gulf at my side , a gulf into which I must never fall ’ ( p. 87 ) .
10 And the good news is that at a time of recession there are bargains to be had : even grand dealers might discuss a discreet price reduction .
11 This means that at a time of crisis , such as death , there are fewer people to turn to than there used to be when it was the norm to live much nearer to kinfolk .
12 It is no good arguing , as privately , ministers may be doing , that at a time of recession these considerations are unimportant .
13 It is striking that at a time when just about every other human value has been called in question , the value of life is still universally accepted as an absolute .
14 Pity , then , that at a time when we need colour most — the grey winter months — these same containers , for the most part , are left to languish empty .
15 ‘ It is no surprise to anyone that at a time of severe recession , investment in fixed assets , cars etc , will be weak , ’ said Geoff Evans , managing director of Forward Asset Finance .
16 In the future , Suffolk people will reflect on this decade and they will find it strange that at a time when environmental issues were more prevalent than ever both county and borough councils made such an effort to be seen to be environmentally friendly , that so much development took place on the green belt of Ipswich .
17 And that at a time when , as was realised , the stakes were particularly high , when the country 's prospective self-sufficiency in oil would provide an incoming Government with a stronger economic base .
18 Phan Boi Chau ended his life wondering whether the Vietnamese people understood communism any more than he did himself ; but even if , in the 1920s , they did not , and if international communism at least did not understand the Vietnamese people all that well either , one could argue that at a time when the prospects for Vietnam were still fairly evenly balanced between peaceful reform and revolution and even though , in 1924 , a government of the Left had taken office in France , the failure of a constitutional Party helped to turn political forces in Vietnam in the direction of a radical nationalism .
19 It remains something of a surprise that at a time when conserving species diversity is valued so highly , so little priority is given to listing the basics of what species there are to be conserved or lost .
20 To remind you briefly about this decision — it was felt that at a time when the Society was under considerable pressure , not only to up-date its training structure but also to streamline administration , a Professional Affiliation Fee would benefit everyone .
21 Solicitors ' firms large and small have come to realise that at a time when competition is intense and growth is seen as essential in order to meet increased overheads and maintain profit levels ( let alone to increase them ) any policy which irrevocably rules out fundamental reorganisation of their practices is likely to prove short-sighted .
22 Medved argues that at a time when most Americans continue to espouse traditional values , Hollywood is controlled by an intellectual elite clinging to the ‘ freakiness ’ of Sixties counter-culture .
23 Mr Wilcox said that at a time of increased pressures to reduce public spending , new strategies on housing were needed urgently .
24 In terms of er political views , or even those who have no political views , of ethnic make-up and everything of this kind and yet now it seems that at a time when our police forces above all , need to move into the present day and prepare themselves for the challenges of the crime and the criminals at the end of this century and into the next century , we seem to have some misgivings about giving the Home Secretary the powers which are placed in this Bill .
25 No , I think that all women in all jobs , and particularly in professional jobs , have this problem that at a time when you should be doing your perhaps your most original work , building up your reputation , then you 're also tied up with problems of looking after children .
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