Example sentences of "that [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Gibble and Chu point out that for the latter option , it is not necessary to know the absolute density with high precision , but just the ratio of densities .
2 The main difference between the utilitarianism of Hutcheson and Hume , and that of Bentham , is that for the former it figured mainly as an account of our actual moral feelings , whereas for the latter it was not only this but even more the basis of a critique of current morality .
3 I ca n't remember now whether in fact we were allowed any at all while we were in the Waaf , but I know that for the few years after I became a civilian again and clothes rationing still went on , the ration allocation was so small that the prospect of buying , for instance , a new winter coat was exceedingly small for most women , especially those with children , whose needs had to come first .
4 We found that for the same journey in the same conditions , our average mpg shot up to 52 .
5 This view affects more than just clever scholars ; I believe that for the same reason many Christians who hold to some belief in the Devil do not believe in evil spirits either .
6 As an illustration , he notes that despite the many differences between industrial relations under communist systems in certain countries such as the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia , and those under the capitalist system in Britain , the emergence of the shopfloor representative in the workplace as a crucial role-player is common to all , albeit making representations about different issues .
7 It is emphasized still further when we see that of the latter group none has external lockboard battens .
8 Fleming sought help in identifying the mould from the mycologist La Touche , who worked in the same building and who thought that of the many species of Penicillium , it was most like Penicillium rubrum .
9 I can honestly say that of the many hundreds of queries I have answered where fish were dead/unwell , probably less than 1% were suffering from disease caused by a pathogen ( causative organism ) , and about 5% from probable organic failure ( tumour , heart failure , and the like ) .
10 Although the existence of the statutes indicates certain offences which sometimes creep into public life , it is most gratifying to note that amongst the many tens of thousands of councillors serving voluntarily year by year in this country a prosecution under this Act is very rare indeed .
11 She exposed the soles of her feet at the mouth of the oven … she drank gall and rubbed her eyes therewith … in her ardent desire for suffering she made herself a silver circlet in which she fixed three rows of sharp points in honour of the thirty-three years that the Son of God lived upon earth … she wore it underneath her veil to make it the more painful as these points being unequally long did not all pierce at the same time … so that with the least agitation these iron thorns tore her flesh in ninety-nine places …
12 Nevertheless they do not take into account the fact that with the same in-vivo and in-vitro protocols the 54 isolates we studied in neighbouring Cameroon were fully sensitive and thus serve as controls .
13 He knew that kidnap and torture were a blatant violation of the Chilean military code and that under the same code he was entitled to register any reservations with a superior officer .
14 To say of two linguistic expressions that they have the " same meaning " , at best , is to say that under the same sort of conditions , they can be used in the same way , to the same effect .
15 In the post-war period there has developed a rather more critical awareness of how societies operate : fewer people simply sit back and accept their societies unthinkingly — they see that alongside the many technological and social advances that have been made there still exist problem areas like over-population , poverty and crime .
16 An observer would follow the same procedure in judging the traveller 's choice right or wrong and in predicting that choice , except that in the former case the question is how the traveller would react in fullest awareness , in the latter how he will react in his actual awareness .
17 Italy and the USA constitute rogue cases in the sense that in the former case there was political interest in change , while in the latter case there was an extraordinary mass interest in psychiatry .
18 It is that in the former situation it will be possible to adduce evidence as to established professional practice with which the defendant 's actions can be compared , whereas in business , while it may be clear what steps should be taken before a decision is made , it is not obvious by what criteria the decision itself should be judged .
19 The only difference between ancient Greek tragedy and modern revolutionary tragedy is that in the former the struggle was against a distant , unknowable , divine power , whereas in the latter the struggle is against an all-too-present social order manufacturing poverty , disease , unemployment and war .
20 Thus it has been suggested that a key difference between invertebrate and vertebrate brains is that in the former a great deal of power and responsibility could be invested in a single cell or even synapse which in the vertebrate nervous system would be more widely distributed .
21 One of the characteristics which distinguish " modern industrial " from " preindustrial " society is that in the former there is a wide circulation of " money " , where " money " means a general medium of exchange and a store of value which serves equally well as a reward for services rendered and as a means of purchasing commodities in the market .
22 The difference is that in the former case it is the teachers and support staff who use the systems , while in the latter it is the learners .
23 An important difference between conventional statistics and statistics of grain size distributions is that in the former frequency is expressed as numbers whereas in the latter it is as weight percentage .
24 The difference in the actions would be that in the former , the absence of the guard establishes breach of duty , whereas in negligence , Brian would have to prove that Alan had failed to exercise reasonable care .
25 It is submitted that in the former case the approach would probably be modified by the basic duty of fidelity to the extent that confidentiality would be lost only if the employer could be said to have shown wilful disregard to the quality of the confidence , rather than having been merely negligent .
26 So I feel a terrific relief and release that in the latter part of my business life I 've been really able to make things happen at a considerable speed .
27 One of the important differences between a game and drama is that in the latter the signals between reality and fiction may be less clear .
28 The prime difference between the multi-male and uni-male groups is that in the latter sexually maturing males quickly leave the reproductive unit .
29 It is not surprising , therefore , that in the latter part of 1987 the Yugoslav government failed , for the first time , to pay interest on its foreign debt .
30 ‘ Of course I would have liked to have taken 50 or 60 wickets , but I felt that in the latter part of the season , I proved my fitness once and for all .
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