Example sentences of "that [adj] [noun] must " in BNC.

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1 The biggest conflicts looming over negotiations for a climate treaty , which begins this month , involve the money that rich countries must give to poor ones to enable them to develop with reduced CO 2 emissions .
2 Note here that open-market operations must be conducted in the bond market not the bill market , since selling Treasury bills would merely exchange one liquid asset for another !
3 And little by little they came to see the great Christian doctrine that eternal sin must be , in the very nature of things , eternal punishment or eternal misery .
4 DG-X is motivated by a feeling that European society must be protected from ‘ American cultural imperialism ’ and ‘ Japanese technological domination ’ .
5 On a union close to its citizens , the European Council agreed " that specific steps must be taken to increase the transparency in the decision making process of the Community and to reinforce the dialogue with the citizens of Europe on the Maastricht Treaty and its implementation " .
6 It is often assumed that textual discussion must be complex to be acceptable .
7 This point shows that guilty knowledge must be present .
8 Germany has insisted that monetary union must be accompanied by political union .
9 It is difficult to think of more threatening language than to say that political union must be accepted if countries wish to avoid being dominated .
10 First , there is the general point that political discourse must be understood in its argumentative context .
11 Of course , the countryside must continue to be a working landscape ; but if most people 's definition of a river as something more than just a drain is valid , then that broad definition must be consciously built into the brief of those who wield this mighty technology of the JCB , the Hymac , and the Swamp-dozer .
12 Because we think it so characteristic of human activity , we tend to assume that tool-using behaviour must demand special , exceptional intellectual skills .
13 But in his belief that economic efficiency must if necessary take priority over social justice , Keynes lacked the left-Liberal vision of a new moral order in society , More than half of Dr Clarke 's book is devoted to the debate over economic policy between 1928 and 1930 .
14 Some firms that make TV sets like the idea of the tree and branch system because it means that profitable electronics must be built into the receivers which they sell .
15 When explaining the change , the society says that administrative costs must be balanced against receipts — a fair comment perhaps in the case of a small charity .
16 Apart from city states , e.g. Singapore , it is generally recognised that agricultural development must precede ( or at least match ) industrial development .
17 Environmental Health rules insist that designated dumps must be covered with at least 4 ’ of soil every night to avoid any danger of interference from animals or seagulls .
18 This means that clear linkage must be made between contributing parts in order that the pupils can see the overall theme .
19 Comparing the performance of Scottish companies still locally controlled with those of the 250 largest UK-owned plcs in the relevant sectors shows that Scottish firms must plead guilty to underperformance .
20 Mr Major and Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd will make it clear in the coming days that British forces must have protection — or they will be pulled back to safe areas .
21 She complained that British men must be homosexual not to make a pass at her or look at her legs .
22 But we are also emphasising that proper provision must be made to collect , store safely and dispose of even reduced amounts .
23 There will always be an element of the old school that insists that proper cooking must be done using traditional methods , but increasingly , chefs , catering managers and kitchen staff in general are putting their trust in 1990s ' technology to enable them to carry out their work .
24 We have already discussed these fully in the previous pages , and it remains only for us to point out that contrapuntal forms must be used with an-overall formal design in mind .
25 A related argument is that public expenditure must be restricted , not only to limit the supply of money , but also its ‘ price ’ — the rate of interest .
26 On this issue indeed the comparison with Eliot is inescapable , Eliot very early learned and bowed to the English rule that social amenity must not be disturbed — alike in his life-style and , after Poems 1920 , in his poetic style also , he observed this rule punctiliously .
27 He introduced the term structure to emphasize that social life must be founded upon an orderly , organized basis , a determinate framework of positions , roles and expectations which remains constant over considerable periods of time .
28 The public remains sceptical , but those who support the notion of satanic abuse say that social workers must not fall into the trap of believing it does not exist , just because it is difficult to prove .
29 Local authorities were given a duty to appoint sufficient numbers of them , which means that social workers must have relevant training in order to demonstrate their appropriate competence in the mental health field .
30 However , though I must challenge the advice given , I agree that careful consideration must immediately be given to every detail relevant to the business operation .
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