Example sentences of "that [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 An indictment , issued by a Californian grand jury on Feb. 23 and kept secret until after the arrests , stated that payment for the krytrons had been authorized by the Iraqi embassy in London .
2 Where the UCTA controls exclusion clauses its approach is either to state that liability for the matter in question " can not be excluded or restricted by reference to any contract term " ( imposition of a total ban ) or to state that such liability can not be so excluded or restricted unless the relevant contract term " satisfies the test of reasonableness " .
3 It argues that protection for the birds is unnecessary as they are not threatened by current control practices .
4 Professor Stewart Sutherland , vice-chancellor of the university , said that funding for the library was needed either from schools , colleges or institutes within the university or from the higher education funding council for England .
5 At the same time habit , and the realization that funding for the services would be tightly controlled ( if on a more generous scale than in the early 1930s ) , meant that the eastern Atlantic , the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean were still seen as regions which might primarily and appropriately be left to the British .
6 The first trap for young reporters is to assume that responsibility for a libel can be avoided if it is made in an attributed quotation .
7 The fact that responsibility for the juvenile labour exchange system was divided forced LEAs to choose between either administering their own scheme ( with Board of Education approval ) , or accepting the Board of Trade JAC .
8 Floating exchange rates have the added advantage that responsibility for the burden of adjustment does not have to be assigned to particular countries : with floating , the exchange rate mechanism itself should lead to an appreciation of strong currencies and a depreciation of weak currencies .
9 The Commission takes the view that responsibility for the initiatives to be taken as regards the implementation of social rights lies with the Member States , their constituent parts , or the two sides of industry , as well as , within the limits of its powers , with the European Community . ’
10 ‘ The aim of this inquiry into the order relating to case no. 596 , in the charge of Miss P. Sulkins , home visitor in the employ of the Bamborough Area Council for Social Service until last year — the pink file , sir — and transferred from the list covered by the South Midlands ( Eastern Section ) Administrative Area — the papers in the yellow folder , sir — is to try and establish an order of events that stretch over no little period in time , so that responsibility for the unfortunate outcome of these actions , or as some have chosen to prejudge this enquiry , lack of action , may be apportioned justly between the various bodies responsible under the Act .
11 The hon. Gentleman will be aware that responsibility for the detailed exercise of the valuation measurements is the responsibility of my hon. Friend the Economic Secretary to the Treasury .
12 In response , the USSR Interior and Defence Ministries issued a joint statement on May 4 saying that responsibility for the latest violence lay solely with the Armenian leadership because of its support for paramilitary groups , and threatening to take " all necessary steps " to stop it .
13 ( 4 ) An order under this section in respect of any costs may only be made if — ( a ) an order for costs would be made in the proceedings apart from this Act ; ( b ) as respects the costs incurred in a court of first instance , those proceedings were instituted by the assisted party and the court is satisfied that the unassisted party will suffer severe financial hardship unless the order is made ; and ( c ) in any case , the court is satisfied that it is just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds .
14 It is common ground that in a majority of cases where an order may be made under section 18 for the payment by the Board to the unassisted party of the costs of appellate , as opposed to first instance , proceedings , the Court of Appeal or this House will be in a position at the conclusion of an appeal on the information then before it to decide under section 18(3) what , if any , order for costs should be made against the assisted party and to form at least a provisional view under section 18(4) ( c ) as to whether it would be ‘ just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds . ’
15 Cadence Design Systems Inc warns that turnover for the first quarter will be down substantially from the same period last year and it will likely see a loss for the quarter .
16 I will remember that error for a long time , but I wo n't let it get me down . ’
17 CPRW is firmly of the view that consent for the Meadow House application will send a clear signal to caravan site owners and developers everywhere that existing caravan sites can now be seen as the acceptable location for entirely new villages , however inappropriate their location , design or scale .
18 It is CPRW 's view that consent for the Meadow House application would contradict existing local planning policies and thus undermine their credibility .
19 In the Western world , the use of computers is no longer novel in , for example , industry , commerce and banking , and the need for computer literacy is recognised to the extent that education for the computer age now begins at primary school level .
20 In writing for others they will learn that writing for a public audience requires more care to be taken with the finished product than writing for oneself as an aid to memory .
21 It may be noted for the sake of completeness that respect for the patient 's right to self-determination is not without its own limitation .
22 The opposition New Progressive Party ( PNP ) claimed that victory for the government would have strained relations with the USA and have led to the possible loss of student scholarships and federal food aid .
23 We are beginning to see that concern for the whole and concern for individuals are not alternatives , rivals between which we have to choose , but at a deep level belong together .
24 Ronald Dworkin , Oxford Professor of Jurisprudence , clarifies this fundamental principle that concern for the rights of others must rest on their own personal welfare and not on some sense of the ‘ general benefit ’ :
25 Plants like pansies will flower for longer , but even those that flower for a long time anyway , like African and French marigolds , will look neater and tidier if dead-headed , and the dead flowers will not detract from flowers that are still blooming .
26 Wolfgang Schäuble , parliamentary leader of the Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) , had on Aug. 31 suggested that financing for the east should be raised by the introduction of a compulsory 5 per cent interest-free investment bond , repayable after 1996 , ( i ) for those earning over DM5,000 per month gross who had not bought special eastern solidarity bonds ; or ( ii ) for businesses with more than 20 employees which had not invested in the east .
27 He now realized that specialization for a particular way of life was an advantage even in a stable environment , because it allowed a species to escape from the pressure of rivals seeking to exploit the same resource .
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