Example sentences of "i [vb base] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The nature of Burne-Jones 's aims and predilections in art are well-enough known by this time , and have been defined by himself absolutely fitted to this thought : ‘ I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was , never will be — in a light better than any light that ever shone — in a land no one can define or remember , only desire . ’
2 Do you know what I mean by a relatively free press , Mr Wagner ? …
3 In particular , it is necessary to pay close attention to the relationship of civil society ( within which I will include much of what I mean by a specific urban culture ) and state forms and processes , in a context of ‘ disorganized capitalism ’ .
4 That 's right see we 've talked , we 've spoken about all the form closes before in the past , we 've spoken about a sumter closes , I mean you know what I mean by a sumter close , do n't you ?
5 If you read Callenbach you will know what I mean by an " Ecotopian " , if you read FAST 's voluminous reports I doubt whether you will recognise a citizen of the biosociety .
6 Now what I mean by an easy question something like
7 Before going on to analyse the kinds of blocking technique one might nevertheless use , I want to briefly explain what I mean by the terms ‘ open ’ and ‘ closed ’ sides when referring to a stance .
8 What I mean by the ‘ graphology ’ of drawing is the study of the line , of the pure graphic quality , of the stroke , not that of the subject represented or the style .
9 I would like to give you just one illustration to show what I mean by the disintegrating influence of a dynamic force .
10 I mean by the time you get to a two years .
11 What I mean by the stylistics of representation concerns the connection between individual features of the language of a text and individual features of its content , an interest which is much more characteristic of modern approaches to literature .
12 I mean by the piece I 'm reading you today , I 've already submitted to the B B C and if I sell it
13 Timothy will take his O levels you see during the summer term , well I mean by the end of June he 'd of finished those so that
14 This is an important part of what I intend by the transnational capitalist class ( TCC ) , but with two important differences .
15 It takes only a few minutes down to the shore , and I stop by the pier where one or two herring gulls are sitting rather listlessly , and a couple of hooded crows are poking about on the beach .
16 I wait by the gate as they pick their way down to the slimy bottom of the dip .
17 Please , said a friend of this journal , egged on I suspect by a green-fingered two-year-old son , will you put in a word for the worm ?
18 And to be more explicit and to show you how tall I stand by the giant , I will put down a simile of human life as far as I now perceive it ; that is , to the point to which I say we both have arrived at .
19 Pondering these problems , I stand by the window .
20 Does she think that I have no feelings , or have been struck deaf because I stand by the kitchen door , silent ?
21 Erm , I find myself agreeing with what Mr Courcier said , er , about Hambledon , I do n't think it realistic to expect existing settleme , villages within the area of search to form a nucleus for a new settlement , they 're simply too small and would be swamped by any development , and also the er I stand by the statements made yesterday about the environmental quality of the settlements , about there form , settings , and characters , and I really do n't think that they could form the nucleus of a new settlement .
22 Two hours later , I pass by the exact same spot on Michigan and East Walton and they 're still playing The Flintstones !
23 I pass by the house now and then but it does n't seem awfully real to me yet .
24 I pass by the ward where people are dying of AIDS ; these are the lucky ones — their families have brought them to hospital and they are being cared for .
25 That 's got a glossy leaf and I know by an elimination process it 's got to be a euonymous of some descripton .
26 Er suggested that the officers have a joint meeting and get together and actually ask them what transport to be given the figures er for night flights so that they could and so on , and I know by the recent customer complaints and I believe members attended the meeting of those four Councils so that I think that discuss that .
27 They never ever mention them bloody things , they were them windscreen wipers which I ordered before Christmas and it 's , it 's ridiculous , cos that 's , I know I can eh , I know by the er , by the er , that 's where I sent them back to that Brian Mill whatever I call it , well
28 I have extracted a vast number of chocolates from automatic machines ; I have obtained cigarettes , toffee , scent , and other things that I dislike by the same machinery ; I have weighed myself with sublime results ; and this sense not only of the healthiness of popular things , but of their essential antiquity and permanence is still in possession of my mind .
29 I reckon by the time we 're 22 we 'll be doing a folk album , ’ yells Hugo , worryingly .
30 I reckon by the time we finish this year , we 'll have spent £4,000 on training and equipment for Fiona . ’
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