Example sentences of "i [vb base] [art] last " in BNC.

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1 Hellen has remained my favourite gourmet cook ever since , by which I mean the last 38 years .
2 I mean the last thing we 'd think about is excluding children .
3 perhaps she 's mellowed now , I mean the last time she went on with it , about it , was probably over a year ago , but she 's still going on about it definitely a year ago not just
4 It 's all good fun royal visits I mean the last
5 Besides , with this creed I can so clearly distinguish between the criminal and his crime , I can so sincerely forgive the first , while I abhor the last with this creed revenge never worries my heart , degradation never too deeply disgusts me , injustice never crushes me too low , I live in calm looking to the end .
6 But as I say the last bit where you sa dur during the course of the , of this conversation it almost sounded as though you were gon na , you 're doing it parrot , parrot fashion whereas the rest of it was , was superb , there was no , no problems in that .
7 Bang-bang-bang goes my big bass heart while I press the last number .
8 I want every last one of them dead , a month from now .
9 So I want the last word .
10 The rain eases as I head west ; I catch the last of a wide , bloody-looking sunset over Skye and the Kyles and the floodlights turning Eilean Donan 's grey stones green ; I make it to Strome in four hours twenty minutes from home , arriving just as the stars are coming out above in the purple spaces between the dark , heavy clouds .
11 Can you get us some toilet rolls I put the last one in the bathroom or summit .
12 In desperation , once we hit the less-trafficked back roads south-east of Manor House , I cover the last leg on the well-polished bodywork of someone 's brand new Volvo .
13 From afar it looks like the classical volcanic cone and it is with a mounting sense of excitement that I climb the last section of loose lava gravel and sharp , welded lava rock .
14 As we head back towards Heimæy I watch the last of the light tinkering with the wave-tops .
15 I have already quoted Mrs in her statement brackets C forty eight , saying although my husband and I would like to be able to care for Anna Jane as long as possible , I accept the last six years have taken their toll on us both and in reality it 's unlikely that we will continue to be able to provide the same level of care and outside is required , unquote .
16 I know the last time we did but I got over-excited .
17 I know the last one I had I paid a doctor 's bill .
18 I , I know the last time and I was reading all me pamphlets that came through and I thought why , you know , but a lot of them I du n no it 's hard to know who to vote for I think
19 ‘ No war would ever reach this part of the world , ’ said Robins , ‘ but I remember the last in Europe .
20 Euturpia Kennedy 's eyes pursued something in Delia Sutherland 's expression until , finally , she said , ‘ I remember the last time I saw you .
21 I remember the last time , she got so big .
22 I remember the last time I saw Victor with a gun in his hand .
23 So only Neil Webb left if you discount the goalkeeper and I remember the last time we did that Forest live game up at Bolton Forest had to use their both their substitutes in that game as well quite early on .
24 Mm cos I found I 'd try , well the works had er , erm table and I , I remember the last time I played before I left and I said come on , I 'll
25 Of these , I believe the last two could be classified as ‘ irregulars ’ .
27 The casual approach , Vincent , the innocent and cherubic expression , although I doubt the last is beyond you .
28 It takes at least a couple of seconds before I recognize the last straw .
29 I drain the last of my whisky and look into the empty glass .
30 For me , I think the last paragraph in my paper in the Speaker of the week before last [ ‘ Shadows of the Hills ’ ] was pretty good ; but it ought to be in verse .
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