Example sentences of "i [vb base] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 I regret it in a way , ’ he says thoughtfully .
2 and things like that and it only , it 's only become and really it 's only actually set up as a business school quite recently as well , I mean what in the past ten years or something
3 Lower than a thousand units er there 's no immediate affect and one 's tempted to think that erm the er er it 's , that radiation 's therefore safe below that level and that 's not strictly true because there is the possibility of a long term affect it can actually cause cancer in the long term but with very low er ra- er levels of risk cos you can see down at the levels where people actually get radiation doses er like erm members of the public or erm from the actual background of people who work in nuclear power stations , you 're talking about very low levels but the levels , those sort of levels I mean one in three hundred thousand , one in three million , that sort of thing you ca n't actually measure in real er populations because there er any effects that there are can be swamped by other ways of getting er of getting cancer .
4 I mean one in seven of our bookings now are long haul holidays , and a large percentage of those will be going to America , and again the exchange rate from the pound to the dollar helps us there .
5 Not with a thing like a outputs of aspirin , I mean everyone in Boots knows what the outputs of aspirin are just strange that they are in fact three times what we 'd thought they were and we 've course there 's Crooks , course there 's this , course there 's that tremendous discernment , tremendous understanding but if you have n't got that tremendous understanding , you 've just joined the company , you think you know something and you do n't because not what they think they are
6 and she 's doing other things through work that you know , I 'm I mean it in theory it 's sort of giving some support to .
7 If I bring you in a bottle of concentrate ?
8 When it looks like she 's finished , I sit her in front of the television .
9 True faith in God means that I distrust myself in order to trust in God .
10 I make , cos I make it in a microwave
11 they have , they coffee , I make you in this
12 I 'm breaking up the spaghetti cos I hate it in long lengths !
13 They only do strawberry , oh , and I hate it in yoghurts they 're
14 I expect someone in the village will tell — ’
15 Firstly , an emotion may be expressed involuntarily or voluntarily ; if I say something in a ‘ happy ’ way , this may be because I feel happy , or because I want to convey to you the impression that I am happy .
16 Secondly , an attitude that is expressed could be an attitude towards the listener ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ friendly ’ way ) , towards what is being said ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ sceptical ’ or ‘ dubious ’ way ? or towards some external event or situation ( e.g. ‘ regretful ’ or ‘ disapproving ’ ) .
17 Secondly , an attitude that is expressed could be an attitude towards the listener ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ friendly ’ way ) , towards what is being said ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ sceptical ’ or ‘ dubious ’ way ? or towards some external event or situation ( e.g. ‘ regretful ’ or ‘ disapproving ’ ) .
18 When I rewrote it in Pascal , it took 11 seconds . )
19 If that 's the case , I suggest anyone in the past who flunked an O-level exam writes to these people to demand that their E and F failures be upgraded to passes , with honours .
20 ‘ — I want everyone in the centre of the chamber — ’
21 I want him in this evening .
22 I said I want him in there .
23 I remember I was going in to record ‘ Cuts Like A Knife ’ and I said , ‘ I 'm taking you guys into the studio , ’ because who I play with on stage , I want them in the studio with me ; I like the idea of having one unit . ’
24 I want them in the midday post .
25 I want one in cream and blue .
26 But I want somebody in every one of those companies .
27 I want everything in Moorlake to stay the same , " she said .
28 I want you in evening dress uniform .
29 But that 's all ; I want you in bed early . "
30 ‘ So , ’ he said , ‘ as soon as you 've finished your coffee , I want you in bed . ’
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