Example sentences of "i [vb past] to the " in BNC.

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1 A week later back in Vancouver , when Canada joined Britain in the war against Germany and Italy , I applied to the RCAF recruiting office for a commission , in view of my earlier flying experience .
2 I doubled to the other side of the deck and joined the Sergeant Major and Brigadier Mills Roberts .
3 So I clung to the concept of ideal love for you , at the same time hoping for the even more impossibly ideal physical fulfilment and completion that would seal our closeness for ever .
4 I clung to the door , my hands fisted round the useless handle .
5 Unresolved , I clung to the nub of " I " , perhaps sensing that I needed " I " if was ever to hurtle to freedom .
6 We rolled heavily as I clung to the shrouds scanning the reef as best I could .
7 That made me feel a bit better , so I tottered to the top of the hill and stared bleakly around , in the equally bleak daylight .
8 I reiterate the point that I made to the hon. Member for Greenock and Port Glasgow ( Dr. Godman ) .
9 The point that I made to the Committee is that if we wish to reduce the hours of the House or change the sitting times — that is still an open question — it is important that we consider how the time of the House is used at present and to make reductions pro rata .
10 The detail of the proposals on contributions was , of course , fully set out in the very full statement that I made to the House by way of a written answer at the same time as my right hon. Friend the Chancellor 's autumn statement on 6 November .
11 I repeat a suggestion that I made to the Secretary of State at the time of the last atrocity in Northern Ireland .
12 Well I er do n't agree that there has been er understaffing and in the statement which I made to the House today I was able to point out what a very big increase in er the total complement of the prison officers has taken place during recent years , but it 's up to Lord Justice Woolf to look in to whatever evidence is put before him , it 's for him to look at the terms of reference and he will no doubt decide what is relevant and what is not .
13 I crept to the door and , with a sudden movement , opened it wide .
14 At midnight , when , as the carol says , the animals were on their knees , I crept to the cot and put my pillowcase offering for the little fatherless one .
15 When after a moment it had not moved , I resorted to the car horn , but this had no effect other than to make the creature commence pecking at something on the ground .
16 Was it any wonder I resorted to the drinks cabinet in the director 's Portakabin ?
17 May I draw my right hon. Friend 's attention to the delegation that I led to the Lord Chancellor to consider the problem of bail bandits and light sentencing by Crown courts , and to the concern in my constituency that the Hampshire police authority is short changing the Isle of Wight in terms of the number of constables on the beat ?
18 After a very pleasant lunch therefore , I taxied to the very end of the runway , turned into wind and took off .
19 I agreed to the chocolate .
20 As soon as I got to the other side of the bank I threw myself down and started to roll . ’
21 In the end I got to the state when it might happen three or four times a day .
22 By the time I got to the Party Conference in October , I was under police guard .
23 When I got to the classroom , I found there were only about six students in the class , and we chatted idly until the lecturer arrived .
24 But before I got to the end of it I burst into tears .
25 When I got to the part of your letter about masturbation , I went to my room and masturbated .
26 ‘ As I got to the platform , there was the driver surrounded by three other BR staff watching him pluck the bird .
27 Describing in today 's Sunday Times of Johannesburg how he found Stompie 's body in Mrs Mandela 's house , Morgan said : ‘ One morning I got to the house early and I was told by Winnie to pick up the dog and dump him .
28 By the time I got to the last rocker I had been out of the garage , round the block three times , back up the drive and home in time for teal Is there any way I can turn the engine over without moving the vehicle ?
29 So , I got to the point where I was at ease in that community or as at ease as you can be , then spent another three weeks there .
30 I got to the top — it was easy ! ’
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