Example sentences of "i do [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As long as I do something outside the parish , ’ Anna said , ‘ does it matter what I do ? ’
2 oh I do its like the mountains
3 Oh I , do n't do them with a window leather , I do them with
4 But I do the back one 's twice , cos I do them with water as well .
5 I do everything with my mum .
6 Ivan H. May of Hampstead Garden Suburb writes : ‘ As a 70-year-old full-time carer looking after a wife suffering from dementia , I do everything in the house : shopping , cooking , washing-up , cleaning , washing , ironing , bed-making , mending and paying the bills , not to mention doing the garden and most of the decorating .
7 If , she said to herself , writing Marjorie Richardson and Lady Mayhew and Miss Dunstable down for Easter lilies , if I do everything in the parish that I should do , and I keep the garden going and the meals and the house ( sort of ) and the translation , then where can be the harm in doing this other undeniably humble little thing that so curiously makes me feel strong and alive ?
8 I do everything from the Gaul huts and chariots to people .
9 ‘ If I do anything for you , you 'll get a bill pretty fast from my office .
10 Yeah it 's one thing that er we have to reem reemphasize to people and usually I do it on the phone , that if people have got businesses erm the way look at it there 's such a commitment by this company
11 I do n't do it on that , I do it on a big blackboard
12 do it , well I do it on the month
13 Now do I do it over the music across the north I do it over the music Okay right here we go .
14 Oh sh , I do it off a .
15 I do it as a matter of course .
16 I do it without premeditation , as naturally and wearily as if I did it every night .
17 Moz : ‘ Everything I do , I do it to you ’
18 I do it to Georgina sometimes .
19 ‘ If I do it for you , I 've got to do it for everyone …
20 THE FATIMA MANSIONS : Everything I Do ( I Do It For You )
21 I do it for the thrill of winning something , like in Barcelona .
22 I frequently perform funerals three deep : that is , I do it for one person , who does it for another , who does it for the relatives of the deceased , he being the first person applied to .
23 I do it for two reasons , ’ affirms Superia .
24 Hopefully they will not include Bryan Adams ' ‘ ( Everything I Do ) I Do It For You ’ , which grabs the Number One spot in the UK singles chart and remains there for an unprecedented 16 weeks .
25 I mean , that 's what I do it for .
26 I do it for the kids .
27 I do it for the love of music but I got to survive .
28 " I know you come over a little shy when I talk about you this way , Chuck , but I do it for a good reason , " continued the senator , lighting a Havana cigar with elaborate care .
29 It 's all right , honey , I do n't really talk like that , I do it to irritate Matt , though it usually does n't because he 's so thick-skinned and thinks everyone else talks like that anyway , so I guess I do it for my own private amusement .
30 All the women who say , ‘ I spend £40 on a pair of La Perla panties , but I do it for myself , ’ are A-cups .
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