Example sentences of "i was at the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed when I was at the police college in 1987 and Jones was on the Senior Command Course prior to taking up a position as assistant chief constable , I took a straw poll among my immediate colleagues to see what influence such books achieve .
2 I decided to stay where I was at the moment until things quietened down .
3 Twenty minutes later I was at the head of the queue .
4 Twice I was at the cinema when it burned down .
5 I was at the Trocadero , Elephant and Castle , as an assistant manager , and there were a hundred and twenty-two on the staff .
6 In 1974 I was at the National Theatre doing Shakespeare with Sir John Gielgud and whenever there was a play it was in repertory form , so another play came on and I had five days off , so I 'd fly to Toronto , have a three day ‘ loon ’ in Canada and then come back .
7 When I was at the Transport Department , my aim was a good rail service for the public and as efficient a service as possible .
8 I was at the National Theatre doing a play about a flying picket called Line ‘ Em by Nigel Williams .
9 In 1980 I was at the Cleveland debate between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter .
10 A little later , I stood nervously beside my bag , hoping that I was at the right bus stop for Sligo .
11 At the end of this fourth volume , I am still not certain whether I have been reading about a great man , any more than I was at the end of the third volume , or the second , or the first .
12 ‘ Shall we say that I 'm less uncertain than I was at the beginning . ’
13 Somehow , after half an hour , I was at the top looking back at the sign which warned ‘ Rapide Descente 300 metres ’ .
14 I was at the Combeses ' yesterday , and the Hammonds were there .
15 I remember when I was at the Open University , the people who were engaged in implementing Open University programmes in the States , who were the deans in charge of the Open University experiments , were all women and all ‘ marginal ’ to the mainline male career people .
16 I have always been particularly grateful to Fred for this generous and helpful boost when I was at the crossroads .
17 I was at the Embassy then , and it used to be very busy .
18 The first week I was at the school , I attempted to climb a tree , and was reproved by a horrified prefect .
19 I was at the station with my father when the first trainload of children arrived .
20 I was at the Old Bailey , spent about two weeks there — I had the London detective with me .
21 I was at the local convent school from twelve to eighteen years old and I was considered clever but ‘ strange ’ .
22 I 'm sure they 're the nicest guys in the world , but I was at the MTV awards in America when they were trying to do a soundcheck , and they could n't do a song because their tapes were n't working .
23 When I was at the GLC , Ken Livingstone was in charge and I thought it was the beginning of Utopia , so many wonderful things were happening at last .
24 I think I was at the end of the line .
25 I was at the Edward II wrap party and someone asked me if I wanted to be in a film .
26 So there I was at the Whirl-Y-Gig , which is a New Age club much favoured by the Haight-Ashbury set .
27 The feeling of fear had subsided somewhat and I remembered looking into the rubble-strewn backyards and thinking how sad it was that they were now in ruin , as last time I was at the station they were occupied .
28 One day before we had moved up there I was at the melin for a few days with an actress friend from London when I announced my attendance at a jumble sale that afternoon .
29 ‘ You remember me — I was at the town meeting last night .
30 When I was at the centre , they do n't encourage you to stop smoking , stop drinking coffee , or lose weight .
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