Example sentences of "i give he [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But have I given him enough lines ?
2 Shall I give him two straws ?
3 I give him many . ’
4 I give him two barm cakes and we had one each and before we 'd finished , started our second half of our one , he 'd ate the two , give him a custard and he 'd ate it
5 I give him two and a half .
6 I give him that assurance .
7 I give him that absolute assurance .
8 So I give him more arms and he says he does n't need to make concessions because Israel is strong . ’
9 I give him three names — guys he will have heard of , who live around here .
10 And I give him three mo cos I 'd give him three months guarantee with that , I thought yes and I was standing there on the phone and I thought you dare come back !
11 No I give him this one , there you go
12 Oh yes , they were a bit pleased but straight away they started getting , you know Alex was getting tired so we were getting can I get it out , can I get this out , can I get that and it were half open and I was frightened of losing the bits so I gave him one and he said no he did n't want that one he wanted the other one , so I give him another one and then I nearly gave him a clout .
13 I gave him that shilling .
14 And he had half of I gave him that banana desert .
15 I gave him two or three minutes to disappear , then drifted away as the last hearse disappeared .
16 Well I gave him two when he stayed here to stay er to hang er on his door and he
17 ‘ Well , say I then took Fiona off him and maybe I told him to go find himself another filly and the next thing was he got a pincer-hold on my ear and was bopping me one on the nose and there I was bleeding fit to fill the Frenchy furrows so naturally I gave him one back . ’
18 In return , I gave him one of twelve tiny mouth-organs that Hohner had given me .
19 I drew him that , I gave him one of those [ pointing to the jumper he is wearing in the picture ] .
20 And I gave him one of the street scenes .
21 " Oh , I gave him one back . "
22 I apoligise for putting a long list of questions to the Minister , but I gave him advance notice and I hope that he will answer most of them .
23 I gave him such a black look , however , that the smile froze on his face .
24 I gave him all the particulars he needed — my name , address , the hospital where I worked , and the number of my Austin Seven .
25 Well I gave him all the information that had been given to me and we discussed between us various options that were open to us .
26 Well I should imagine my would be insulted now when I gave him all those things !
27 And everybody says , Well I gave you a hundred , I gave him five , you
28 Yes cos I gave father the money for whatever it was , so , yeah , I gave him five pounds worth of change
29 Eventually , I gave him four 3in pots , a bucket of compost , a handful of seeds and some rudimentary instructions , and ensuring peace was wonderful .
30 He did this with very little effort , and I gave him small wooden cubes so that he could make a cube to keep .
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