Example sentences of "i think a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I thought a male nome would be driving , she thought .
2 ‘ That 's when I thought a little research might be in order .
3 I thought a personal appeal to the Brotherhood for a relic for Shaftesbury Abbey would be much better than legal wrangling , and all I can say at present is that negotiations are going very well indeed , ’ said Mrs Rider last night .
4 ‘ As for the jewellery — well , I thought a horticultural theme was relevant . ’
5 I thought a religious ceremony must now follow , but I was mistaken .
6 That was very interesting and I thought a good write up of and the things that he did , there to survive the World War Two and of course I go back to when the crews were formed and we flew together training at Pyo Texas and at er Dallasburgh , Tennessee and then from there went overseas , we went to er Scotville , Illinois and picked up new planes in Petermover and it was , we went to Stagen area .
7 I thought a good idea was to have a problem page where embalmers could write in with their problems that have occurred whilst embalming , and other members can write in giving tips and ways to overcome these problems .
8 I thought a good Manager was supposed to be able to delegate .
9 And I thought a thousand was a good mean average between them .
10 Our next port of call was Piraeus , which I thought a dirty , uninteresting place .
11 I thought a wee something might be in order before tea .
12 I said I thought a great deal of time was taken up with Committees .
13 But it was murder for Francis , who said : ‘ I thought a European tie would be easier than the Premier League — but I miscalculated .
14 Thinking about cardigans reminded me how many knitters ask me about buttonholes , so I thought a few words about bands and buttonholes might not come amiss .
15 I thought a few reminiscences might help me .
16 I thought a quick gallop , a guzzle of the local tincture and a few snaps to record the event for posterity . ’
17 ‘ Because I thought a little honesty was needed . ’
18 I had twenty-four kronor of Swedish money , which I thought a handsome sum , but it proved sufficient to buy only one hopelessly modest open sandwich , like the bottom half of a hamburger bun with a menopausal piece of lettuce and eight marble-sized meatballs on top .
19 I thought a red ball was thirty ?
20 No no no no no I thought a special celebration .
21 I would n't like you to spend your entire time here without having done so , so I thought a short wander beneath the trees before we join Matt at the landing place would be in order . ’
22 I think a new face would be very expensive .
23 Er , this is a ninety two which is a non-remote I think a remote one went out yesterday .
24 these are recommendations from a joint working party D of E of the erm local authority association and they are to almost unbelievable for us to consider and I can only assume that the that we must remember that this is really a response to what I call Heseltine 's last squeeze which was the idea of executive mayors and so in a sense lip service which has to be paid somewhere along those lines but it does recommend that we think seriously about cabinet govern government about single party committees and I ca n't imagine how anybody in their right minds would argue now that the cabinet government when they see what cabinet government leads to in Westminster and what de facto cabinet government leads to in majority ruled councils up and down the country erm , there is of course a I think a misleading er er brownie point the idea of relaxing restrictions on members allowances but members must realise why that is in there .
25 I think a real friend is someone you do n't have to see the whole time .
26 I think erm you 've got to say that it is not easy to find people to give the commitment to local government work these days and I think a partial remuneration of the expense that they incur is a very reasonable thing for the public to have to meet .
27 I 'm very glad to see that there 's quite a lot of nurses here , and I presume that quite a lot of those are women nurses , and I think that this is terribly important , and I think a useful thing with this new service could do is to go out and talk for instance to the meetings of women 's organisations , to old peoples ' clubs in the afternoon , and actually ask people what they would like , and get them talking in a nice informal way , rather than waiting for somebody to let them know what they think , because I do n't think they 're going to get it .
28 Erm with this sort of landscape I always credit the type of lens which is being used , and I think a wide angle lens has been used here , because we could see there 's been a lot of interest created in the foreground , and this is what a a wide angle lens will do for you in , in , in a landscape .
29 Oh , I think a wide variety of people are already showing interested in fact .
30 And I think a similar exercise can be undertaken in the Greater York area .
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